What are some serial killer kino?

What are some serial killer kino?

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Zodiac is currently the uncontested king of serial killer kino.


the talented mr ripley

It's amazing that we got to live through the capture of EARONS. They couldn't even make a movie about him he was so fucking wily.

>Stabbed the guy at the lake 6 times, he lives
>Stabbed the woman 10 times, she dies
Was it incel?

My Friend Dahmer. Frightening how totally OFF that guy was, even as a kid.

Shit movie, which makes sense when you realise it's based on a book that's literally the author's self insert fanfiction.

just like JFK, another great film

Fuck Fincher.

Why do they want Ted Cruz?

nobody did it better than von trier.

I rewatched Zodiac the other day. What a nice movie.

Angst (1983 austrian movie)
Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer

So was it Bernie Sanders or not?

Decent movie but Dirty Harry is the superior Zodiac movie.

I remember the night when a whole bunch of anons were linking to some shit that showed an old cunt was in custody but word was out that is is probably earons

Anything with Tom Hanks. He's such a card.


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black doodler needs some kino made on it

They weren't serial killers, but I really like the 1950's movie about the Leopold and Loeb case, it's Orson Welles kino

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Henry is shit.
A ten episode mini series would do the EARONS justice. I remember listening to the case file podcast on it and just thinking of the sheer scope and his efficiency is fucking frightening.
>1st episode shows his time in the navy and beginnings as the Visalia Ransacker, culminating with his first murder
>during this time showing his double life as police officer and his love for Bonnie. Also shows his small penis multiple times and interviews with victims who describe his small penis
>evolves to EAR in episodes 3-6
>becomes ONS in episode 7, focuses on his eventual decline in episode 8-9
>ten is his capture

Man bites dog

Nobody actually likes movies from the 1950s



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There's a brief period in between the civil rights protests and Bernie entering politics where he just fucked off the face of the earth and it lines up perfectly when the killings start and end. So yes.

>I have aids

Poughkeepsie Tapes

This is an unconventional serial killer film but the August Underground trilogy is pretty good. Looks exactly like the type of shit you might see in a /gif/ gore thread.
Definitely. A great film.
Yeah, that was a good flick as well.

Crime Investigation Australia. Stream or torrent the episodes. Aussies are a different breed