Oh by the way...

>oh by the way, Padme is pregnant so we should probably track her down or else Obi Wan and Yoda will probably kidnap the babies and wait 20 years to unleash them on us

Attached: vader ep 3.jpg (1100x550, 50.02K)

They were preborn, both of them assumed they died with padme

They should have sensed it

Then how did he know later that he was his father?

He went by ''skywalker''

There's been a canon comic where Vader finds out that he had a son and goes to Naboo to interrogate the mortician who was tasked with preparing Padme's body for burial, and who made it appear as if she died pregnant.
And there's an upcoming canon comic where Vader investigates their birthplace, Polis Massa.

Both of them take place after the events of ANH tho.

he didn't want sheev to kill his kid(s) because at this point he realized he lied about saving Padme

There's also a canon comic where boba fett tells vader about luke, disney canon is stupid and has no consistency

He didn't even go back for the body of his most loved.

Vader aint trying to raise no damn shit ass baby

That's the story arc I'm referring to, actually.

>join me and I can show you how to save your wife and kid
>nah sorry your wife died but help me kill your kid now ok?

he probably knew she wouldn't have wanted some child killing cyborg monstrosity at her funeral, he visited her tomb plenty

Did he, tho?

At the end of revenge all he had left was his hatred of obi wan and by extension all jedi for burning him so staying on palpatine's side made sense. By ESB palpatine assumed he had totally broken in vader, but he was wrong which ultimately led to his defeat

>As the Togruta's hips began to slow and her body slackened off, her mouth slipped from Padmé's breast, the breathless girl in her arms still clenched around her fingers, saliva glistening on her chin and long strings running between her lips and Padmé's swollen, reddened nipple. Her glazed expression clearing over the following minute as her hips finally came to a stop, Padmé's fingers slipping reluctantly from the girl's slick slit, and lifting them to Ahsoka's mouth.

>The padawan looked up with a confused expression, glancing from fingers to Padmé, uncertain. The woman above her said nothing, simply looking intently at her lover. Intuiting what was expected of her, Ahsoka lifted her head to the dripping fingers, the sharp scent of her juices filling her senses as she opened her mouth, and drew Padmé's slick fingers inside. The musky, tangy taste of herself filled Ahsoka's mouth as she sucked, licking and slurping them clean as Padmé smiled approvingly, cooing. "There's a good girl..."

I wander if he fucked her corpse or tried to force ghost fuck her ghost

Based actual response, thank you user, my heart usually sinks when I see a (you)

She was incredibly distraught when she accused anakin of killing kids on mustafar, so yes he knew he had become a monster in her eyes


I always wondered what he imagined his life would have been like if he saved/ressurected padme after getting put in the suit

They couldn't do that, well, ever.
If Vader could sense Luke he wouldn't send thousands of probe droids to search for him in ESB.
The Force is not like that X-Men room that can GPS every mutant.

With how many asspulls they did with it in the Sequel Trilogy it probably is by this point.

Yeah, even talking through the Force was something that only Vader/Luke did, and Luke/Leia. Implying some kind of blood relation needed to pull it off. Even Palpatine had to use holograms to call Vader. Now you can send shit through it.

The force has a will and can basically change its own rules as it sees fit to carry out its will. This is why the force seems inconsistent in what it actually can do. The force willed it that the story would play out as it did in the OT so any people sensing one another or failing to sense one another was caused by the force itself forcing them to sense or not sense each other in each specific instance.

What a useful, inconsistent, shallow plot device.

>What a useful, inconsistent, shallow plot device.

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Haha oh u got me oh haha
Good one William my friend

I don't see how calling it useful and inconsistent are bad things, and I also don't see how it's shallow. The force is just fate personified, and the ability to manipulate it gives its users the false notion that they are capable of altering their fate when they actually aren't.

plenty of fanfiction on the matter.But in the suit he's vulnerable to Palpy so he can't overthrow him on his own. Padme would end an hostage in all but name and Vader's kids would be groomed by the emperor, especially Luke.