Thread for the intellectual discussion of arthouse and classic cinema.
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is this the average /film/ user?
Got a problem with it?
It’s because it’s art born from struggle and genuine suffering, the Soviet occupation was fucking devastating, there was an instance of the USSR making the Czech crown worth only half its value over night, just fucking because they could. The subversion and having to go undetected by the censors at the time make this movement more kino tan the bullshit decadence of the French new wave. It’s literally that soul vs soulless meme and the huge worldwide recognition of FNW vs CNW is boomer ignorance and stupidity which is why you’re seeing the younger generation of cinephiles who really only come to tv and letterboxd and discuss CNW.
Instituting a one-thread moratorium on Czech posting.
>The subversion and having to go undetected by the censors at the time make this movement more kino tan the bullshit decadence of the French new wave.
Yet the FNW produced many more kino films. As already discussed, half of the best Czechoslovak directors weren't even associated with the CNW
I just expected something different I guess. Lay off the popcorn bro...
Kino by whose standards though? FNW films don’t hold up I’m sorry but the praise they got back in the day was purely technical, technical films rarely stand the test of time, Breathless is a goddamn proton YouTube vlog, CNW is fucking history.
Proto not proton excuse my autism
It's okay imo. Hopefully a torrent will come out soon.
Not really. Godard and Truffaut are massively overpraised. Rivette, Resnais and Rohmer are kino though.
>half of the best Czechoslovak directors weren't even associated with the CNW
That's not entirely true. They are not CNW but they are associated with CNW by mistake. Anyways, if we count those directors than the amount of kino produced in Czechoslovakia is immense.
Very based fellow CNW chad but it's unfair to judge FNW just by work of Godard. Later films by Rivette, Rohmer are kino and some Left Bank directors, especially Resnais are pretty great too.
You sound like someone who's only seen Breathless from the FNW. Breathless is decent, but it's far from Godard's best and that's not even counting all the other FNW directors, who made many more films than the Czechoslovaks, many more quality films.
It's also nonsensical to compare the political situations of France and Czechoslovakia. The FNW and CNW are SUPPOSED to be completely different. What is this shit "oh one of these is better because it arose under different sociopolitical circumstances and deals with different subjects"
this guy knows.
What Godard would you recommned?
Gypsy Kino
Carmen was better tho
Very sound point, it’s just that Godard and Breathless are the starting points for FNW and make for the most concise and efficient places to draw an example from.
I’ve seen about a dozen FNW films so I know it’s not a lot, but none of them gripped me and excited me the way Czech cinema does. And as I said already it’s cinema of decadence vs perseverance, one is significantly more compelling than the other.
nice, i have only watched blood wedding, i really liked it even tho i dk a lot about flamenco but the camera work is very nice
I haven't explored his filmography beyond the most famous ones, but Contempt (1963) and A Woman Is a Woman (1961) are pure kino
Pasolini is our guy.
>decadence vs perseverance
I suppose the JNW would be both of these? Or neither?
Yes the best of those Saura type films is the camera work, try to find the rest, Amor Brujo is in Eclipse release. Carmen and Tango are better, Tango has the best cinematography moments of the bunch I think. Amor Brujo is more minimalistic so I'm enjoying that.
simple as, stop discussing.
Can Dorsky's and Benning's film be called movies?
Not sure which but I do think JNW surpasses both movements, the kino that came from Japan during those times might have even surpassed its own golden age, it’s definitely on par with The Hollywood Renaissance
Neither probably. The JNW emerged out of the rigid studio system and addressed the sociocultural termoil of economic and lifestyle changes. Many of these directors were booted out of studios and formed their own, while others were underground artists.
If FNW is Decadence and CNW is Perseverence, JNW would be Angst, both in visceral (Terayama, Imamura, Oshima) and in melancholic (Yoshida, Shinoda, Teshigahara) terms.
Hard agree on this, I'd even say JNW has to be my fav cinematic movement in general.
For the ones talking about JNW, did you get 1970 Live Today, Die Tomorrow! (裸の十九才?)? upgraded freeleech in KG
JNW wasn't really a movement, though. It's just an umbrella term the critics made up for non-studio bound Japanese films that happened to be made at that time.
That's why people often disagree on which directors were a part of JNW and which weren't. Some would even group the Sun Tribe films unser JNW (but I can see why).
Ford and Griffith are inferior to Ozu and Mizoguchi. If you disagree you're an hyperconsumerist, low IQ American with no soul.
Are Wake in Fright, Walkabout, and Picnic at Hanging Rock the best Aus new wave films? What else is there?
Being a 24 year old self appointed failure who can't get a PhD for nearing two years and is thinking of dropping his one dream of being a Professor in Academia, this movie did not help at all.
Any cheerful recommendations?
You have the internet to spread communism now, why do you think you need to become a professor?
Is there any /film/-approved anime?
By which I mean actual anime TV series (no movies like Belladonna of Sadness, Perfect Blue, etc.)
Ozu loved american movies and they inspired a lot of his best stuff he was a big fan of Citizen Kane. And Mizoguchi had a lot of western sentimentalities from growing up during the Meiji period and hes really known for being a forward thinking feminist, but that kind of makes him awesome in a way because people like that are always the biggest misogynists. I know because i was like that.
Mizoguchi was redpilled because he understood that prostitutes are more "sincere" than the other women.
>Thread for the intellectual discussion of arthouse and classic cinema.
Transformers The Movie
>You know what I did this morning? I played the voice of a toy. Some terrible robot toys from Japan that changed from one thing to another. The Japanese have funded a full-length animated cartoon about the doings of these toys, which is all bad outer-space stuff. I play a planet. I menace somebody called Something-or-other. Then I'm destroyed. My plan to destroy Whoever-it-is is thwarted and I tear myself apart on the screen.
t. Orson Welles days before dying
Ozu admited by himself that he ripped off Make Way for Tomorrow with Tokyo Story
The only Godard worth mentioning is the late experimental Godard.
>hes really known for being a forward thinking feminist
Last time I checked the progressive film crowd denounced him because his films have a romanticized view of women as noble sufferers who redeem men.
He also tried to kill Kinuyo Tanaka's career by countering a guild proposal to make her a director. She never forgave him and in the end managed to become a director (who made average films lmao).
So yeah, I'd say he was pretty based.
Why are Americans such brainlets?
tfw watched Enter The Void for the first time
>typical amerimutt thinking that something being a ripoff means it's lesser
Take the Leonepill
Shut the fuck up gook dweeb. John Ford was master of poetry and the last scene of The Searchers is better than anything Ozu and Mizoguchi have done.
Best Shakespeare adaptations? I'm a sucker for Branagh's, but love Welles' too.
audibly chuckled at this
holy fucking based
Prospero's Book by /ourguy/ Greenaway
>Throne of Blood
>Prospero's Books