"WE ARE CREEPY": the movie

>"WE ARE CREEPY": the movie

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best movie of the decade.

I havent seen midsommar but I really liked hereditary, everything about hereditary in fact. It was fun, it was like true detective cult paranormal but then it had a paranormal climax rather than an introspective thing.


Hmmm, I haven't seen the movie myself but that seems like a little too much white people for my liking. This seems...problematic...Yikes...

Isn’t it weird that all you have to do to make a black person terrifying is put them in a hoodie (their normal attire) and a dark alley (their normal domain).

For white people you need to like, invent some hypothetical cult and shit.

This, but the opposite.

crazy how the movie starts off so strong then becomes a generic poorly written slasher flick

What was stupid to me as a Swede is that the weird clapping, squeals and other strange shit they did had nothing to do with actual swedish culture. They could have made it interesting but of course a New York jew wouldn't know anything about the subject so they just pull things out of their ass


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white pipo is crazy

Why do people always say this movie is white people bad. Aren't they a bunch of fucking swedes or something? We are not them.

isnt it funny how Yas Forumscels will lump jews in with whites when it fits their narrative?
how many of those """"white"""" females in that """"study"""" do you think were jews married to their jew bank exec husbands

Meanwhile in Africa

Slavic paganism is so beautiful. I love the symbolism on their clothes, how fair everything is, how inspired these people are. This is so much better than cucked Christianity that made Slavs slaves. I fucking despise everything that happened to Europe after the sand people religious craze.

Would've fucked that autistic redhead without all the pubic hair magic, all the lsd and old hag ritual (although I appreciate the hustle) she just had to ask...

Thanks man, I agree

almost none? jews are an incredibly small in every society other than Israel, hollywood, and rich bankers who don't use dating apps

>interpreting it as "white people bad" and not "this secluded cult is fucking creepy"

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Literally a mentally ill Jew indulging in a racist fantasy based on nothing. The reverse would be illegal to make.

>slimy jew makes a racist flick aimed against white culture


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LARPagans please go

why do the costumes look nothing like traditional Swedish folk dresses?

>This, but the opposite.
best decade of the movie?

>interpreting 'white lives matter' as "black people bad" and not "we're all one species"

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Michael Myers. Jason Vorhees. Texas Chainsaw Massacre family. Freddy Kruger. Hannibal Lecter. Every true crime serial killer movie. Charles Manson. 99% of horror movies are psycho white people in and out of masks

It's okay, all the wh*tes are portrayed like psychopathic lunatics

>White guy kills someone and he's super abnormal, frequently either extremely charming or extremely smart
>black man kills someone for skittles

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This happened with me when watching The Hunt, its still good.

Why do the men have bulbous apexes? It's like they hired a bunch of female models and then invited a bunch of jew males to pretend to be part of their tribe.

If the men belong to that tribe, they should literally have the same type of nose as the women.

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These are older men. When you get old, your nose gets saggy.

>I havent seen midsommar but I really liked hereditary, everything about hereditary in fact. It was fun, it was like true detective cult paranormal but then it had a paranormal climax rather than an introspective thing.

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Ari Aster's filmography includes,
>A short film about a black father's son developing a habit of anally raping him over 2 decades
>A film about a crazy, poor and ugly white family
>A film about a group of batshit insane white people doing cult rituals """based on""" """traditional pagan beliefs"""

>illegal to make
>green inferno exists

you crackers are fuckin crazy jumpin off cliffs and shit

>poor family
>the matriarch of the family swimming in gold coins like scrooge mcduck

Lol imagine being this fucking retard

>Hereditary & Midsommar
>are really genre-redefining, trope-subverting, atmospheric, dark and eerie, emotionally draining, gut wrenching, aesthetically heavy craft by a post-horror auteur with an arthouse edge, dread-inducing, suspenseful build up with strong character development and gradual feeling of escalation, bone-chilling slow burn with a “say more with less” approach and a soul-shaking, blood-curdling, skin-crawling and nerve-wracking exercise in persistently looming dread where tension and anxiety permeates every frame as the movie reaches its nail-biting, jaw-clenching and paranoia-inducing final climax, free of any cheap gore, cartoonish cgi or infantile jumpscares horror film has a dance party during the credits

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You have to go back

That's nonsense.

>Can Alcoholism Cause Rhinophyma?

>It was previously thought that excessive alcohol consumption was the cause of rhinophyma – hence the nickname alcoholic nose or drinkers nose. Alcohol abuse can cause vessels to enlarge in the face and neck creating redness or flushed skin. Due to this, the idea that alcoholism could cause rhinophyma held up for many years.

>How Alcohol Affects Rosacea

>Although alcohol abuse does not cause rhinophyma or rosacea, it can aggravate the condition. As many as two out of three patients with rosacea experience flare-ups when they consume alcohol.

>Alcohol aggravates symptoms of rosacea because drinking enlarges the body’s blood vessels. When the blood vessels are more open, they allow more blood to flow to the surface of the skin, creating a flushed look that is typically referred to as the ‘alcohol flush.’ The redness can spread anywhere on the body but is most noticeable on the face, shoulders, and chest. For those already suffering from redness due to rosacea, alcohol can make this symptom increasingly worse.

>According to a survey of patients suffering from this skin condition, red wine is more likely to trigger flare-ups or worsen rosacea than other drinks. Doctors theorize it’s because of an additional chemical in red wine that also works to enlarge blood vessels, letting far more blood than usual flow to the surface of the skin.

So that is why the men have fatter noses.

Yas Forums ruined midsommar threads

what do you mean white films

they're anti-white films made by a non-white person (Ari Aster who is Jewish)

Midsommar is by the nature of its plot and creation both implicitly and explicitly political.

Fact: Jewish people are white and if you don't think so you are stupid

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I mean
And I'm imitating your beliefs

Jewish people are ethnically Semitic and if you don't realize that distinguishes them clearly from white (European) you should inform 23andme.

Genetically they are mostly White if we're talking about strictly European strains of Jews. Does that matter if they do not relate themselves to Europeans? No.

I realize that a white man made a good film and now there's a cuckold tourist telling me to hate it.

Yas Forums reminds me of when that resident evil game set in Africa was made and SJWs threw a fit

No matter how many times jews race mix, their nose will always show. Jews can't race mix with whites 10 times to hide themselves. They can only do it partially. and by the time you get to the 3rd or 4th generation, you can easily get them to raise mix with an arabian or black guy.

Just look at zuckerberg. Poor thing married an insectoid.

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See it, it's a good movie and the only people who meme it as being bad are anons on Yas Forums

Yeah they are like 10% semitic (Italian) and 90% northern european

What does it matter if you "relate themselves to European". Do Americans even do that?

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how the fuck is midsommar anti-white? faggot

Except the film is bad and it was made by a Jew.

>these people don't like this thing! see, the neo nazis were the real snowflakes all along!!!!!
retarded horseshoe theory brainlet

Every member of every race can have a big nose. There's other tell-tale signs. Hair is unironically a bigger clue as to whether someone's jewish or not.

would you?

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