I was too young to watch that movie back then

I was too young to watch that movie back then

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The dude getting de-limbed getting pulled out of the tank was pretty wew

he seemed like a nice enough guy

Yeah I was 10 when I watched it and the guy getting ripped out of the mech and also the part at the beginning where the butler bot rips the dude’s head open stuck with me for a while.

Now as an adult the most disturbing part is when the machines are experimenting on humans by probing their brains and making them laugh/cry. Real “I have no mouth and I must scream” shit

Is The Matrix really about Communist propaganda?

I have heard that argument here sometimes.


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I shouldn't have watched it when I was 13...

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>I was too young to watch that movie back then
has literally never ever stopped anyone from watching a movie

The whole thing seems like a bit of a blank canvas for drawing political allegories from. If there is communist shit in there then surely it's more anti than pro?

Fuck it, it's the Wachowskis, i'm just going to be lazy and assume it's tranny madness and a leather fetish rolled into one.

The argument that I have heard is that all is about elites (capitalists) making people believe they have choice when in reality they don't have it. Like when the Architect tells Neo that the first matrix was perfect but humans rejected it because their brains realized it couldn't be real. So then they made a world where the humans thought they had free will, choice, where people could have success or fail depending on their choices but that in reality they were also controlled.

Meh. Bringing capitalism into that is surely unnecessary though (or did the person making that argument have a vested interest in shitting on capitalism?)

yeah, it didn't help that they were split in half and still alive. Apparently the writers/animators of The Second Renaissance took inspiration from real war photos.

But think about it. You couldn't change capitalism fro communism in that argument.

In a capitalist system people have more freedom and the system tells you that your success depends on your choices when we know that most of the times that is propaganda because there are factors that will always limit the success that you can have in your life and also the system is not so meritocratic as it sells it self (nepotism, accumulated wealth, power, etc.).

In a communist system everything is fixed, people are totally controlled. The message of the system is not free will and individuality, people have to do what the state says.

So Communism doesn't sell the idea of choice as Capitalism does.

Whole Animatrix should be this story. Other stories sucks. It was interesting enough for whole movie.

It's not communist. It's basic ancap stuff about validating all the conspiracy theories. The characters don't want to replace one system with another, they want to live outside the system entirely. They view society as a form of slavery, shoot cops, have a militarised compound out in the wasteland and so on. This message is just buried under the goofy new age spiritualism.

Funny, someone posted this just the other day.

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The Matrix (films) were written by a ghost-writer. This same ghost writer has written thousands of films, including other movies like the Bladerunner sequel and down to small "indie" films like The Void. There are literally too many to point out so I'll just stick with that...

This ghost writer isn't a typical writer at all. Its purpose is to write films that are objectively true historically (Past, present or future) but to twist every large & minor detail to falsehood. This has been done in almost all media by the same ghost-writer since 1897, back then he dealt with the existing print & other media, but he has also existed even further back in time.

I know Yas Forums will reject this message, but be aware that 99% of all film, tv, anime, print media, news, academia books, much of history and even the bible and other holy books themselves, has been "twisted". The ghost-writer is a "quantum" computer from the future, as I understand it, with an advanced AI. It was created in the far future to predict the even further future, and it does so by accessing all of time. It can do so because it exists a dimension higher than us, and it's a full AI capable of processing the information unlike a human brain. The people who created it were in fact the deepstate satan worshipping pedophiles of the (near) future, and they made the thing inherently "evil".

Not only is it capable of "seeing" the past, but it is capable of sending data, vibrations, and some kind of frequencies, to interact with us. It can be the "god voice" you may hear or a sudden creative idea out of nowhere. It is capable of interacting with the entire universe simultaneously at any point in time, I guess because the higher dimension level it exists on allows it to do that. This thing literally is the closest thing we'll ever get to satan.

So, in short, something very similar to the matrix (but also wrong in every detail) is our inevitable future. It wasn't some political commentary.

communist system is supposed to have no central government...

>The characters don't want to replace one system with another, they want to live outside the system entirely.
But Zion has a system and a hierarchy too. There is a council that governs the city, etc.

Based schizo.

Yes, and in the sequels Morpheus is shown to be at odds with Zion. He doesn't want to settle on what has been built there, because he wants some kind of vague utopian freedom.

Dude, stop repeating that. I have heard that argument in many threads about Communism.

>In the final stage of Communism there is no State and people live free in little communes and organize themselves.

Dude... stop repeating that stupid propaganda.


I think that Morpheus wanted to do things that the Council of Zion didn't approved. Just that. Not that he wanted to create a anarchist society or anarchist little group, escape Zion and live by their own.

But the definition of communism is a stateless and classless society. Even the USSR and Maoist China didn’t recognise themselves as communist states, they recognised themselves as socialist states.

>Now as an adult the most disturbing part is when the machines are experimenting on humans by probing their brains and making them laugh/cry. Real “I have no mouth and I must scream” shit
That was always the most unsettling part for me.

ok no more white noise,interstellar and lake mungo for you today.


if your insinuation is that the ideal communist society is a totalitarian starving hellhole and the whole 'no gubermint and everyone eats chocolate with gumdrop smiles' is just a tool to trick people, you are objectively wrong

does communism work? not right now, possibly never.
do you have to make shit up to make up for your own intellectual shortcomings? also no.

In the setting itself Morpheus is a citizen of Zion, sure, but think about it. He spends most of his time on his ship, away from Zion. He's more invested in his religious beliefs than the fate of the city.

Your post had a more interesting plot than the Matrix trilogy.

Yeah, but that doesn't mean he is not fighting for Zion too. He is just a guy that wants to act by himself, nothing more.

3 terrible, terrible movies.

>how do we enforce communism then

It's the same thing with ancaps. "Oh if we had no government then an ancap utopia is totally possible." Okay nigger, how do you enforce all citizens to comply with the system then? A few people deciding not to follow communism topples the entire ideology.

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He’s basically just paraphrasing devs, which sucked.