Will it be any good or just more pozzed shit like recent BLACKED Mirror?

Will it be any good or just more pozzed shit like recent BLACKED Mirror?
Will Stanhope feature? He's currently living with notorious racist comedian Shane Gillis.

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>He's currently living with notorious racist comedian Shane Gillis.
lol are you serious? are a man in his 30s and a man in his 50s roommates?

>more pozzed shit

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Why the fuck would shitheels like Stanhope be involved? This is Screenwipe, no Americans involved, which means it might actually be good.

Shane is living in Stanhope's guesthouse. Stanhope has a big house in Arizona.

Stop watching the BBC, stop paying for literally anything they sell. If you really want to be disappointed then pirate a show you're curious about.

Did I say I do any of that?
TV loicence is a meme and I will never pay for that shit, don't think I've paid to watch anything in years

stanhope featured several times, have you never watched it?

Good man, just making sure.

Brooker followed in the footsteps of Ben Elton - two men who used their outsider credentials to get their foot in the door before making a mad dash for the cash. Now the pandemic has presumably shut down production on another make-weight season of Black Mirror he comes crawling back.

There are YouTubers who do Brooker's shtick better than he used to.

name seven

noice, used to love screenwipe

Voxis Productions is one


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>Why the fuck would shitheels like Stanhope be involved? This is Screenwipe, no Americans involved

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why are they called 'wipes' ?

>Barry Shitpeas
Do brits really?

>Barry Shitpeas

Attached: Shitpeas.jpg (500x281, 37.69K)

the only one


>Wot if you mom got coofed on by a robot?

Voxis literally takes everything in his videos from this board, memes word for word verbatim.

But the puppet soothes my autism so I watch.


Is this a thinly veiled SHANE thread?

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Not really. He has similar opinions but I've never seen a Sneed meme or Wojack posts in any of his videos.

>more Barry


How long has he been off the big black cock? Glad he's seen the light and is returning to it. wtf? I thought once you go black you don't go back. Is this real?

all this corona virus stuff right? its like, staying indoors and that, like you can't go like, down the pub and that.

proper fuckin mental aint it. it's mental.

>I went on this website mid-way frough a wank session and it was called sumfin' like for channels. I dunno. Anyway everyone spoke in like internet memes and would like hurl abuse at each over. There's this one board that I fought was origami and crafts, but it was actually full of proper nazis. They kept complainin' about Jews but when I looked into it they actually had been expelled from 109 countries. Mental. I did like the pictures of the smiling frogs I gotta admit.

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fucking finally. i figured brooker would have nothing to do when everything was shut down.

need my wipe, brooker. front to back! WIPE WIPE WIPE WIPE WIPE WIPE WIPE WIPE

I'd rather he just did the wipes he's missed, the last one he did was when it ended with Trump getting elected wasn't it?

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>45 mins of literal whos telling a camera about "thing" they were just briefed on
wipes were always shit

>There's this board called tee-vee and your supposed to talk about Netflix and that new Tiger King show. What's really clever is it plays with your expectations, because people don't actually talk about television shows but which film actress has the smelliest farts.

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