Is Who wants to be a millionaire just a game of luck?

I mean, there's 33.34% chance of being right unless the person happens to know the right answer, and lifelines can only get you so far into the game.

Let's say there are 15 questions with 4 choices each. Let's also say there are 3 lifelines: call-a-friend, 50-50, and ask-the-audience.

For each of the 15 questions, there is only 1 correct answer, and 3 incorrect answers, so immediately your chances are 1/3 = 33.34%. You can use each lifeline once. Using phone-a-friend, let's say gives you a 95% chance the person you call is correct. So 1 question is 95%. Similarly, we can say ask-the-audience gives you a 95% chance. Finally, 50-50 will remove 2 wrong answers, so you have 1 right answer and 1 wrong answer, so you basically know the answer. To recap:

Question 1: 33.34%
Question 2: 33.34%
Question 3: 33.34%
Question 4: 95%

Attached: wwtbam.jpg (650x429, 86.96K)

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It's basically just luck, yes. I did the math, and found out that Wheel of Fortune is a more skill based gameshow. Don't worry, I checked.

Education is just luck, I lucky they asked me questions I knew the answers to :) so I got an A


Attached: steinermath.jpg (490x356, 21.53K)

when i used to watch it, i would guess the answers i didn't know and see how far i would get, and there were times i got pretty fucking far doing that

>there is only 1 correct answer, and 3 incorrect answers, so immediately your chances are 1/3 = 33.34%.
t. american

my phone a friend was your mom, to let her know I made enough money to buy us the finest lubes, vibrators, and dildos, and continue doing so for the rest of her days.

>t. literal third worlder who has never seen this pasta

are you retarded?

t. ass blasted american

Yeah, but when you get it wrong you lose most of your money. Numbnuts.

You are supposed to know the answers to all the easy questions, use your knowledge, intuition, logic (including thinking what the person creating these questions had in mind) and lifelines through medium to the first hard questions.
And then "when your run is over just admit when it's at its end" - take your money and walk away.
You are not supposed to win the game.

>n n no, u!


>Yas Forums and Yas Forums(nel) is now littered with coronafags and zoomers who cant into pasta

I remember this pasta

There's a small flaw in your mathematics. There are two possible outcomes for a contestant, you either win or you don't. That makes it a 50% chance not 46%

>n n n no, u!


Realistically this means there's both a 100% (scenario where you win) and a 0% (scenario where you lose) of winning. 100 / 0 = 0. It's actually impossible to win, crafty trick.

I've just increased the rates to 75% and there's nothing you can do about it

>n n n n n, no u!

American can’t banter

>n n n n no, u!

been a long time since i've seen this meme. based


I’m from paki- I mean England

How many flags does your country have on the moon?

the worst part is I can't tell if there are newfags or they're just pretending to be retarded

imagine just spouting the same 3 words over & over and thinking you’re a genius for it

The moon is a space station for lizard people.

American lizard people, not chilean or whatever Eastern European gulag you come from



N O N C E .

All me

you seething cucks need to dilate. incel