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Why are incels intimidated by stronk independent female super heroes?
Caleb Phillips
Colton Rivera
Luke Cruz
Kayden Foster
toe fungus
Christopher Kelly
When the pic is not related to the topic in hand you're supposed to say "pic unrelated".
Anthony Thompson
Because they're badly written.
Alexander Thompson
How much does this beautiful object of art costs?
Ryder Evans
>captain coalburner
Liam Peterson
Yes I'm really intimated. Please Brie, don't peg me while wearing that suit. I would hate it so much haha!
Joshua Davis
Go back
Lucas Cooper
When my grandmother's father died she was in her late teens. Her mother was usually ill and unable to attend the farm. Her bigger sisters were a clusterfuck and hardly helped. She had to take care of all her younger siblings, make sure they went to school, they were properly fed. She had to kill animals to sell them, she had to deal with the guys who would deliver the animals to the city, who were not only ill-mannered but also tried to pay the stuff for less than it was worth. Even to her last days, when her days at the farm were a long gone and distant memory, she'd aid and help her siblings and her extended family, even despite the fact that she was rarely thanked for it.
That was a strong woman. This? This is a retard in a colorful suit. Please don't make me laugh.
William Lewis
>FPBPing your own post
Hi, newfriend.
Jackson Clark
>That was a strong woman. This? This is a retard in a colorful suit. Please don't make me laugh.
This "retard in a colorful suite" made millions of little girl dream big and aim for something they couldn't have even imagined before. Have some respect.
Nolan Wood
>Why are incels intimidated
This is utter nonsense.
We dislike Brie because she is a abrasive far left man demonizing bitch.
We dislike Brie as Carol because...
> (1) She isn't half as sexy as comic carol is.
> (2) She is smug and weird in the role.
> (3) She has little to no humility (you know the entire thing thor spent his entire origin story learning)
None of this has anything to do with getting laid in real life nor being intimidated, if a woman being powerful intimidated me why do I love Scarlet Witch, Wonder Woman & Mera?
Xavier King
>girls never dreamed about being superheroes until a multibillion dollar corporation decided to cultivate their market share
Based and neoliberal-pilled
Daniel Evans
Nice bait, I love Brie. She's the only non-cunt in the MCU, unironically. The others just hide it better.
Lucas Butler
Girls will forgot about it as soon as it isn't popular anymore.
Mason Williams
why does she look like a man and not like a woman
Josiah Baker
Shills rekt again
Jason Robinson
She wasn't the first in spite of being billed as such
She wasn't important in spite of being billed as such
Ryan Richardson
Kevin Adams
It would be really weird to get fucked in the ass by a woman
Charles Myers
Brieshills always sound so desperate
Xavier Hughes
I got something for her
Colton Bennett
Plus the movie was a poorly-re-written Green Lantern remake.
And let's not forget how they marketed the movie by setting up charities for people to donate so girls could see it because "IT'S IMPORTANT!"
Brayden Morris
Wonderwoman did it first dumbnuts
Connor Garcia
Ryan Ward
How dare you? Be respectful, billions of little girls went to the cinema and decided to have a life because an entitled celebrity dressed as a clown.
Justin Thompson
they are childish feminist power fantasies.
women seem to be incapable of growing up and becoming adults it seems
Lucas Cooper
Little girls don't dream to be action heroes.
Hudson James
This is some weak bait and you fell for it. I'm a Brie """"shill"""" and I don't even make threads about it. And yes, I prefer Brie to your favorite Jewish actress, sue me.
Ayden Foster
Honestly I genuinely like it more then the 2011 GL.
Jaxon Baker
Is this even an actual screenshot from the movie or is it from some game?
Cause it literally looks like shit.
Look at her hand that holds Thanos' glove.
The way she's holding the glove, is like a badly designed video game.
Mason Perez
It's an action figure. And again, you're falling hard for OP's deliberate bait. Don't feed the trolls.
Jonathan Brown
So how long have you been working for Disney? Your post was so full of pompous shit it poured out of my computer. Supergirl did it first by DECADES, and any kid that needs "role models" from Hollywood fiction is in for a pretty sorry life.
Kayden Hernandez
It's really difficult to be worst than 2011 GL. Just by having Samuel Jackson any movie is instantly better than it.
Colton Hughes
The movie is basically a two hour long commercial for the USAF. There is nothing wrong with girls realizing that they are as capable dying for their Jewish overlords as boys. Deal with it.
Henry Johnson
G.I. Jane
Cameron Perez
ugly hair
Juan Phillips
But the male super heroes were childish power fantasies.
Benjamin Lee
Why are legbeards intimidated by sexy independent female super heroes?