Wow, I had no idea that Idiocracy was basically Nazi propaganda

Wow, I had no idea that Idiocracy was basically Nazi propaganda.

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You'll find most people unironically agree with eugenics if you don't call it eugenics.

I wish Luke Wilson was in more movies nowadays

Its more of a satire on the state of the a united states and their love for hedonism, having no intelligence and having no culture besides trash tv.

>portrays the hordes of idiots quickly outbreeding smart people as white rednecks and not endless third-worlders

>female name and portrait
>male voice

Yeah for things like improving eyesight not racial purity

two minutes in and this midwit already claimed that natural selection favours the intelligent when in fact it favours those most adaptable to change
now he's saying intelligence isn't hereditary

opinion discarded

and with preventing genetic illnisses and diseases
and with hair color
and with eye color
and with skin color

Let's be honest, white is idealized by pretty much everyone and having a nigger baby is not desireable by pretty much every one.

Also... shilling a Tranny video... lmao.

how about for things like improving intelligence regardless of race?

That's what eugenics are
preserving the best trait's of your genome and phenotype

Great moments in movie history:

Yes, there's definitely a eugenicist subtext to it. It's basically a movie showing what MovieBob thinks the world is like.

Would you?

Attached: 1565808816648.png (856x589, 609.92K)

He is the dancer in pic related.

Attached: 1556701191414.webm (854x480, 2.91M)

idiocracy is one of the funniest and accurate movies of the 21st century this faggot tranny is just mad because he is a fuck up of a human and wants everyone else to be fuck ups

What you just said sums up a lot, no really, it breaks down so many fucking things into digestible little parts that even (maybe) the stupidest ppl, some leftists too, would take a bite. HOWEVER, just like Adolf Hitler himself said, the best way to sway the masses was not to soften our message BUT to simply if it.

Throw it the oven, NOW!

Attached: Za7.jpg (800x800, 151.7K)

Not really. I know it's hard for people like you to believe, but most people aren't morally bankrupt. Just because your soul is dead and you have no feelings of good will to your fellow humans doesn't mean the rest of us are the same.

YouTubers are fucking cucks, the men especially. They all sound the same and make 30 minute videos above how problematic movies are. Fuck them. Go outside.

>Leftists: "lol intelligence isn't genetic!"

Eat shit christcuck/commie faggot lmao

Now you realize
You've been conditioned to hate the swastika

i hate those video essay types. their beta super crisp voice makes me cringe

Totally agree, genetic diseases and dumb trash genes are a human right.
Kys seriously

OP would you rather live in an all white world or modern Muttland? Personally I prefer Muttland, better food and I like black womyn myself. Puerto Ricans are okay too though.

Yea this is happening.


What does this shirt mean... ?

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No matter how much hrt they take, you can always see who they used to be

its a no brainer

Appeal to emotion. And btw, you did it so poorly. Gee user, at least try to make your baits, idk, more bait-looking or whatever because this one was horrible. Which also means that if you believe in the pile of trash you just wrote, well, I have my doubts if you'll make it to the end of the year. Take good care of the nigger who's gonna come back to kill you.

>most people aren't morally bankrupt
LMAO, try stepping outside for once
Most people don't even understand what morals really are

>feminine voice
>ratings disabled
And, close tab.

Who the fuck supports eugenics for improving eyesight? Many people support aborting down syndrome babies and other retards who are a detriment to society.
Poor eyesight is so easy to correct its really not a problem and has no effect on society.

I had to turn it off because he was wrong right in the beginning. He says the movie makes the point "intelligence is hereditary ". So if his stance is intelligence is based on nurture then why is he attacking the film for it's original stance that society dumbed down. If dumb people are having and raising kids, wouldn't their environment impact their "IQ"

lol of course trannys are mad about this now

why is everyone with glasses such a piece of shit then?

Those are people who get fake glasses to appear smarter. It makes sense someone that shallow would be a piece of shit.
Death to the 20/20

>he thinks glasses are the only option for people with poor eyesight
Less than half of all humans have 20/20 vision, most of them do not wear glasses

That everyone no longer uses their mind --in Idiocracy, you are complete stupid if
you try and use your brain. There the people are moved by pleasure, for that temporary release of dopamine, for comfort, for generic (good-for-nothing) needs etc.

Can you connect this to certain people?
Yeah, I already know the answer.