
>tiny hands
>wears children sized suits
>only looks 'handsome' in certain lighting
>looks like a diseased wallaby in other lighting
>gives off strong homosexual vibes
>doesnt care about the role
>3/4 films so far were trash

Easily the worst Bond, agree?

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Hopefully Idris Elba will play a better Bond

His character arc went from fresh new hot 00 agent to im getting too old for this shit retire already in less than 3 movies

Trump biopic when?

He’s also a cuck

Not even trying

he was not suited for the role at all, he has that "lower class" aesthetic

Is this a handsome man?

Attached: unnamed (1).jpg (342x512, 51.25K)

Worse than Roger Moore. At least Moore was charismatic and his films were campy fun despite being dumb as soup.


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I dunno I mean he did give off chad energy in this skit

This is one of the most enduring images from any bond film. Part of Craig's appeal is that he doesn't have otherworldly model looks like David Gandy, he just looks like a realistically handsome and fit man.

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Moore was arguably the best

Attached: bond.jpg (968x681, 31.95K)

hard to believe this was considered "jacked" in 2006. he looks tiny compared to nowaday action stars.

You forgot how desperate he is to humiliate himself. Even pre-Bond he was into being cucked and humiliation. Take a good look at his roles and see he enjoys emasculation.

They set up an arc for him and then they binned that completely just for the sake of it. And yes, he looks like a potatoe, but I think he plays it well.

Moore has impeccable comic timing and is the most handsome bond by a wide margin despite also being the oldest. His embracing of the fun side of 007 makes Connery look ridiculous.

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Bond's an alcoholic, mysoginist womanizer. Not some roided up gym ape.

It wasn't, that's the point I'm making.

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the most handsome man according to GQ or something

Do you know what that arc was? Skyfall and especially Spectre do feel like they're steering the character in a bullshit new direction they didn't prepare for at all, but I didn't know there was an existing plan for the later Craig films.

Learn how movies work

Moore played Bond 10 years before he did on the big screen and hes absolutely gorgeous. He would toss prime Craig around like a rag doll.

Outside of Chris Cornell theme in Casino Royale all of Craig's themes have been zoomer trash

>Sam Smith
>Billie Eilish


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He's had the life sucked out of him.

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I think the new theme's OK honestly, but Skyfall and Writing's on the wall are literally two of the worst bond themes of all time. They make man with the golden gun sound good.

Way to miss the point

Why do they keep doing this with his eyes?

Attached: No_Time_to_Die_poster_16.jpg (1013x1500, 382.91K)

He has the potato face look, like a slav

Craig's not a bad actor though, he choose some good roles already:
-The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
And he was the best part about Cowboys and Aliens. He's not how I'd imagine a Bond would be, but I've grown accustomed to him and even quite like him as Bond. It's just that the movies are yet again shit. Maybe it's just the Bond formula that has no place anymore in current day and age. I mean, I still love it, but if you want to make a classic Bond movie it probably wouldn't find it's way to a big audiene. Or maybe it's just the Studios who are shit and wanting to keep up with the times too much in order to keep it profitable. Bond desperately needs an established identity again though. One shtick or style per Bond please.

Craig is generic slav badguy #23097 in Bond movie.

His nice blue eyes are one of his best features.

Attached: daniel craig.jpg (1024x768, 55.95K)

Yes, his movies were enjoyable and comfy as fuck.Brosnan was nice too, but some of his movies were not really interesting or fun.