Is the incel genre going to become in permanent fixture in kino?
Is the incel genre going to become in permanent fixture in kino?
Not in the foreseeable future
Volcel is where it's at right now
I like how white people make non whites seethe by their mere existence
Only american things
I've literally never fucking heard terms like Incel in real life. I'm honestly starting to think they're deliberately put here by "people" to create outrage and make someone go shoot up a school or something.
The ones seething the most are whites because of the existence of other whites.
Blacks don't seethe as much about whites as whites do.
Asians don't seethe as much about whites as whites do.
Not even the jews seethe as much about whites as whites do.
Incel is an invented term, in reality an incel is someone who has ED and is a virgin or you are mentally/physically retarded to the point you can't function independently
I mean all men can rape or pay for it
Also never having penis in vagina sex means you're still a virgin, so gays and lesbians, have (real) sex.
But really, you guys should have found a gf by now
>Incel is an invented term
As opposed to what, terms that weren't invented? You got some examples?
>Blacks don't seethe as much about whites as whites do
Black here, while (((whites))) do the most seething about whites, they're closely seconded by black seething.
Your irrational anger will never surpass the raw power of feelings of inferiority.
It's a term like "conspiracy theorist" where you have already been told exactly what to think about what that type of person is and what they have to say and how you should react to their """thoughts""", I'm sure you have plenty of ideas that you totally came up on your own about all sorts of people who get put into a box
Finna based
>It's a term like "conspiracy theorist" where you have already been told the definition of it
Unlike, for example...?
Damnit, you're right. I'm frustrated and enraged I'll never be a member of the chosen race
"Guy who thinks something is up with those kikes"
You know what he meant, stop pretending to be retarded
Just substitute "astro-turfed" for invented
6'8 white man here. Ask me anything, shitskins
>a : a word or expression that has a precise meaning in some uses or is peculiar to a science, art, profession, or subject legal terms
>b terms plural : expression of a specified kind
Don't think that's a term, mate.
>You know what he meant
Spoken like a true retard. How about learning how to express yourself if you want to be taken seriously?
looks like propaganda to me
post proof
Incels amirite sisters?
>have a 5'7 currybro in real life
>actually sound guy. Confident in himself, no pretention, knows who he is
>go to pregaming with him where pretty blonde girl eyeing him up
>gets off with her in the club later on
I'm grateful I have seen shit in real life contradicting what incels screech about, mainly cause the world incels claim is real is a very unpleasant, cynical one, so it's better to see shit before your very eyes that's totally at ends with it.
Kek, that weirdo black supremacist cartoonist did something similar where there's some hot black girl worshipping an ugly white guy and the alpha black guy has to date some white crone.
You're the curry guy and larping as a Chad is sad rajneesh
Is this from mandy? Worth watching?
Mandy is cagekino of the highest order
>be 6'2 asian guy
>pretty fit, visible six pack and decent muscle
>still terrible luck with women
I would easily trade being short and not fit if I was white, literally living life on easy mode
>Nooo you can't just shit on my worldview! I want to stay in my own little bubble and seeeethe!
Please tell me there's like 10 years between the timestamps on those posts.
That's not my world view your projected cope is just what's funny
should've just left us alone