Easily in the top 3 of best war movies ever made

easily in the top 3 of best war movies ever made

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Inferior to

Hacksaw Ridge

The thin redline stands along with cringe like Dunkirk, wages of fear as dishonest war films.

hacksaw ridge is fucking trash

Low t nu-male.

So is your opinion

Inferior to
Human condition trilogy
Come and see
The ascent
Paths of glory
Army of shadows

>hurrrrrrr based Mel made it so it can't be trash

Does he make you feel like less of a man?

my favorite war movie, not saying its the best, just saying

criterion core

>hurrrrrrr based Mel fuck jews LOL amirate?

paths of glory

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What's wrong with it?

>Human condition trilogy
Bore core
>Come and see
Soi-anti-war core
>The ascent
>Paths of glory
Old movie with too many flaws because filmmaking wasn't advanced at the time core
>Army of shadows

not even top 10 desuu

All of the movies in this thread get mogged by apocalypse now



Filmmaking wasn't advanced in... 1957? That was past the height of the medium.

None of these movies hold a candle to Pearl Harbor. A raw love story intertwined with a world changing event just blows my mind

nothing, its really sad

i miss fun war films such as where eagles dare and kelly's heroes

It's more advanced today. I don't have to put up with overacting and shitty effects.

>Old movie with too many flaws because filmmaking wasn't advanced at the time core

>fun war movies

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Thin Red Line is in my general top 3 movies list.


Probably yes. It's fantastic. Lot of idiots will call it pretentious because it has poetic dialogue but pretentious is criticism only used by dumb retards. The film is amazing, the dynamic between Caviezel and Penn is great.
First 20 minutes are great. The rest is sentimental, schmaltzy, borderline muh patriotic garbage propaganda.
>Hacksaw Ridge
Cheesy, schmaltzy, ridiculous at points. It's a fine film but too flawed.
It's okay at best

Wages of Fear is not even a war film you fucking idiot. Kys.
Solid list but only the first 3 can compare to The Thin Red Line.

>The rest is sentimental, schmaltzy, borderline muh patriotic garbage propaganda.
This is why beta-males like are detriment to society at large. You look down on patriotism, on courage and masculinity. Keep watching pretentious garbage that lowers your testosterone and makes you a weakling.


>no Flags of Our Fathers/Letters from Iwo Jima

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I wanted to like letters from iwo jima but it was just so mediocre besides Ken Watanabe's performance.