Are we brothers, Francis?

>Are we brothers, Francis?

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season 2

Does not exist

>tried to show my GF this
>She hated it, not because its a boat movie or particularly scary but because she hates Tobias Menzies for Outlander.
She's also has to have ADHD, she cant bear to sit through any slow burn stuff i put on and she watches all youtube videos at 2x speed.

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>is a good sir

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>he wasted himself, Mr Crozier.


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I still dont understand the meaning of Crozier eventually working for an ad agency in the 60s and then a Russian Nuclear scientist in the 80s.
Did killing Tuunbaq make him immortal or something?
And how did Sir John and Commander Fitzjames be teleported back to ancient Rome?


I wondered about this, too. I think it is meant to symbolize that greatness transcends time.

I'm gonna say the word Captain!

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I never understood this part. So were they actually related? Because Fitzjames said he was a bastard, so was he implying that he know that secretly Crozier was his relation?

>I would like that very much

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Manbearpig ruined this show.

Is Jared Harris the best actor ever? He's certainly the cutest

what would you have told them tv?

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Had my sister watch this
>Why did the captain guy get sick for two weeks or whatever?
>Why was he feeding the monkey the dog food?

It should've just been a regular bear like in The Edge. The show definitely needed a menace aside from just the situation to keep things interesting.

>Watch The Terror by myself on a plane
>Realise its kino and want to share ot with people
>Force my girlfriend to watch it
>She's clearly bored throughout
>Get to this scene
>She proclaims "they are all gay in the navy"
>I seeth while she laughs at me

It's not fair lads. Why can't women understand boat-kino

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Can someone who's actually watched this tell me if its worth the time? I'm not expecting the kino from season 1 but should I even bother?

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Super garbage pozzed horseshit. 0 relation to s1. Not even a thematic link.

Avoid it, nothing like season 1. Just go watch Fortitude instead, if you want more 'horror in frozen setting'.

Was it even made by the same people? How could it be so bad after such a good start?

>He's certainly the cutest

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how fucking short can one's attention span be? Seriously, they mention it several times how much of a drunkard Crozier has become, and Goodsir looks at Morphin's gums, talks about the symptom with MacDonald, then tests his theory on the monkey. and Hickey killing the dog had so fucking obvious reasons.

I think people really got ruined by these long ass explanation and exposition scenes for everything, like the ones where people discuss plans and it plays out for the viewer in slow motion like every heist film after 2000.

Is that my Boy Edmure?

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>Was it even made by the same people?

My mom, sister and female roommate all liked it. Your girlfriend might just be basic.

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We will get answers in s3

>"they are all gay in the navy"
Pretty based gf if you ask me

They liked it for the same reason women liked The Witcher. Hunks.

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He is. Absolutely wasted talent on the GoT.