>Tarana Burke cast as Galadriel in Amazon's Lord of the Rings
It's happening
Tarana Burke cast as Galadriel in Amazon's Lord of the Rings
So glad they announce this stuff ahead of time so I can prepare in advance what shows to avoid and filter. Thank you Amzn.
Jesus fucking christ
B e a utiful
"Beautiful she is, sir! Lovely! Sometimes like a great tree in flower, sometimes like a white daffadowndilly, small and slender like. Hard as diamonds, soft as moonlight. Warm as sunlight, cold as frost in the stars. Proud and far-off as a snow-mountain, and as merry as any lass I ever saw with daisies in her hair in springtime."
Mike Tyson?????
She's tree beard you racist. They did it to save on makeup costs.
nice source fgt
Imagine seeing that in the mirror
so she crawls around in a green suit with ping pong balls and they turn her into a newt or whatever the fuck a galadreidel is
Michaela Coel cast as Arwen
What is that weird skin condition she has?
Negroidian pigment
being black
This is literally the ugliest person alive. Prove me wrong. Pro tip: you literally cant
This woman claims someone sexually assaulted her.
I believe it. Is it real?
all women are rape victims until proven false
el americano.........
Leslie Jones just got casted as Queen of Numenor
Why do you believe fake shit on Yas Forums made to enrage you when you can easily look up the fact that it's already been announced as some white chick?
>I asked her for one hair from her golden weave.
John Boyega cast in the lead role as The Noggit
You make fun of her because of how hideous she looks.
But how many of you have never had a gf or even a kissed a girl?
It's obviously just scarring from acne.
You mean the "inventor" of that hashtag?!?!?
inventor of feminism
I want to believe this so I can enjoy being mad
Must have been some nasty acne. She looks like a burn victim.
I have no gf because I have autism, not because I'm ugly (I'm actually quite handsome).
Nah, that's what happens when you're black and eat hummus.
Cystic acne does that. It fucks up your face real bad.