What movies did they make you watch during holocaust month at school?
What movies did they make you watch during holocaust month at school?
>holocaust month
you amerimutts never cease to amaze me
>holocaust month
what a fucking joke
>learn about this holohoax, goyim
I'm French
already a hilarious thread
my school made us watch a doc on pic related.
good man. we should all strive to show such selflessness and compassion
Germans have holocaust class year round :^)
I have unironically never watch a single movie about WWII or the muh holocaust other than inglorious basterds and I have never read anything on the matter either except for mein kampf
Thankfully I never had to watch any holocaust shit in school. We did have to read Anne Frank's diary though. Honestly, I'm having trouble remembering any movies we watched that weren't based.
Had to watch Life is Beautiful. Italian movie
Amerimutt here
>larping as nazis to be edgy
fuck off the holocaust did happen nothing is funny about it
I don't think we actually watched any films about the holocaust, but we did watch Roots a couple of times.
..do americans really?
>muh masturbation machines!!
>muh woden doors!!
too bad china didnt have some of those nazi gas chambers!!
>muh 6 gorrillon
Triumph of the Spirit, starring Willem Dafoe as a Jewish-Greek boxer who fought for the german's entertainment in Auschwitz. Was actually filmed on location. Solid film.
Had to watch Nuremberg with Alec Baldwin.
I shed a tear at the ending not gonna lie but then the six gorillion deaths came up, totally ruins the moment
New Zealand here. We don't even have a Jewish community and my daughter had to watch this plus a all the other ones during the covid lockdown
Unironically, no trolls, did the Holocaust actually happen? It would be a huge shock to the way I view the world if I found out there were serious lies or misinformation about the Holocaust.
In Canada we were too busy learning about how weak and pathetic the French and Natives were to pay no nevermind to the desert peoples of poland.
not in the sense you believe whatsoever but sort of
From his wikipedia page:
"The year 2020 is "The Year of Chiune Sugihara" in Lithuania. "
Did not know Lithuania did such things.
>did the Holocaust actually happen?
Yes. It was exaggerated, as it always happens when the winning side of a war gets to write history, but it did happen.
Triumph of the Will
A lot of people died, but there literally weren't any gassings.
*eyes roll*
I’m not hugely well researched on the area and my view at this point is that there’s such a strong propaganda incentive by Jews, by nationalists and by pro-white people to expand or downplay it that it’s impossible to know.
I trust neither the revisionists (who could be lying or using motivated reasoning) nor the establishment shills who would be unable to speak about it without getting in gigantic shitstorms and in many cases going to jail or even being killed if they didn’t shut up about it.
My intuitive guess is that the directness of the murders and the exterminatory intent has been highly overblown, with the gas chambers probably being a myth.
I think Jews were interned and used as slave labour and a lot of them died of typhus and later of malnutrition/starvation.
I think the einsatsgruppen may have joined in pogroms, particularly against Jewish communists or in areas where people were salty at communists and lots of Jews were communist or collaborated with communists.
Unless I was willing to spend weeks going over everything myself personally I couldn’t have a clear idea. And even then, I probably wouldn’t be sure.
I think we can agree that calling it “the” “Holo” caust is ridiculous as it wasn’t the only bad event to befall a people, and it didn’t kill anywhere near close to all Jews, as would be implied by “Holo” (all).
that one lol
If the official story was entirely correct they wouldn't need to imprison 89 year old women for disagreeing with it. How much of the story is true? 1%? 99%? No idea but the amount of trouble they go through to stop any discussion on the matter other than the official story certainly makes it seem like they're hiding something.
Is that true?
>did the Holocaust actually happen
Yeah but it's not what is taught and is grossly overblown
Most of the pictures you see of emancipated bodies piled up are actually poles and not Jews
neverminding all of those pictures are like 1000 people at the very most. If you have ever been to any kind of public gathering at a bar or small concert and aren't a retard you should be able to picture this in your mind.
here is a picture of a protest that is purported to have one million people