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>Yas Forums
Close the iris!

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>mfw Yas Forums actually has decent Stargate threads every once in awhile
I wouldn't believe it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes.

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I just watched the first 2 episodes and am going to go through the whole thing again man I totally forgot Kowalski got Goa'ulded and killed in the very beginning


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stargate just brings out the best in people

anybody else really just love the prometheus? it just looks so rugged and human. the deadalus class looks too sleek and sci-fi. and i wished they kept using human weapons like railguns and missiles for longer. they could have had some in-universe throwaway explanation on why they were still effective compared to goa'uld tech like they had with the p90 vs. the jaffa staff in that one episode where they were supplying the jaffa resistance with p90s

i was unironically sad when the prometheus got blown up but i guess they needed that to establish the ori.

it looks like a cock

I always thought it was odd that they'd just been secretly developing it off screen for 6 years then it's just good to go, considering the huge fuckaround getting any of the hybrid fighters going.

All that said, yeah it was fucking dope.

The Battle of Antarctica was legit as fuck

stargate has atrocious power creep
humans get everything shoved up their ass for free

I loved the prometheus. hated the 304 design, it looked like a sea turtle.

Yeah, the power-creep after season seven was particularly bad but prior to then it was always fairly well reasoned I thought.

Like remember when steaing a whole Goold mothership wholesale was like, the highlight of the season? That was season 4-5 I think

I was hopeful they'd have more new designs but nope. Just 304 forever.

Atlantis was my introduction to stargate, so I'm partial to the daedalus. However, I don't like how many asgard gifted tech it has. Would rather have it gradually incorporate reverse engineered ancient or maybe even wraith (the blue beams packed a punch) tech.

wtf is going on?

Oh yeah the Asgard beam weapons were super dumb and made the battles not even a little exciting.

Also how the heck-a-doodle did Asgard beam weapons out-right beat Ancient(okay Replicators doing Ancient tech,) warships from the height of their reign?

Well Better open up the iris then

I love Stargate but it being military and acting all Star Trek now kind of bums me out. If it were real, the military would start gathering intel and stealing Goa'uld shit far sooner.

irl powercreep is pretty surprising. When you're forced to back technology and bring all your greatest minds together with a common purpose you can get pretty damn good results. Think about how quick the atom bomb was discovered.

Replicator weapons were good enough to BTFO the Wraith so they never bothered to make them better I guess

The chad Human weapons that was made for war. Vs the virgin Goa'uld weapons that was made for terror and fear.
>oh no the humans have better weapons
I wonder why

>Also how the heck-a-doodle did Asgard beam weapons out-right beat Ancient(okay Replicators doing Ancient tech,) warships from the height of their reign?
That was what pissed me off so hard. You basically have Replicator Ancients, the strongest foes of the series who can mass produce Ancient warships and ZPMs, have instantenous thinking and reaction abilities with their virtual network. And then they just fucking die and don't even fire drones at the battle of Asuras only to get their shit pushed in by a hack virus Rodney inserted into their core. Terrible writing only to have the good guys win so they have the Asurans completely underperform than what is actually expected of them by the show's lore and storytelling.


Space battle writing got inconsistent as fuck in late SGA.
compare this
to this
The daedalus tanks 10 hives + cruisers for ten minutes with just railguns while the phoenix ig going down in flames after a few shots from 4 hives.
Also, the blue beams are unreliable as fuck. They go from two shotting ori and ancient ships to barely scratching hives and cruisers

They teleport literally hundreds of humans at a time...why couldn't they send all 12 nukes at once?


jesus shepherd was so uncharismatic
completely mogged by director skinner
everyone but rodney was completely uncharismatic in atlantis, even ronon. which is weird because i thought momoa has been pretty charismatic in everything he's appeared (at least from what i've seen)

If I recall Michaels hive-ships became super powered? He stole anicent tech and upgraded his ships? Or something? Did that happen, I can't remember anymore...

Radek was fucking amazing and I won't hear a word otherwise.

Would make the wraith a non issue. They could also beam the missiles near the hives to get them past the darts.
Never liked the asgard teleport. It's too powerful and lessens the importance of the stargates

you're right, i was thinking of the main cast

That was the final super hive in the last episode only.

>jesus shepherd was so uncharismatic
I mean Tayla even remarks that he doesn't have social skills, so good match?

who is it
close the fucking iris nigger I'm not expecting anyone

both teyla and ronon were cardboard-tier, I don't understand how he was the one who made it big after stargate. Rodney was so good he lifted everyone else up. Both sheppard and weir were at their best when they interacted with him.
Dr. becket was good too, I still hate how they brought him back, though.

Is stargate a good show to start watching? I remember watching one of the movies when I was really young with my dad, something about Egyptian dimensional aliens murdering kids. I assume the show is like Star Trek with different “editions” like TNG and voyager, which one should I start with?

Fucking Jews, man!

It's alright, send them in