what is the most awkward movie you've watched with your parents?
What is the most awkward movie you've watched with your parents?
I don't watch movies with my parents
I hope you didn't watch that movie with your parents
why not?
Now that the director basically makes porn now, will this movie be more widely recognized as the porn it is? Can’t believe this shit won Cannes.
i watched this movie with my bisexual sister.
she was horny as fuck. was weird but funny to see her struggle thro the entire movie.
Did you shove it in her ass afterwards
>bisexual sister
just give her the d, bro
>15 years old me is watching Rome premier
>Mum is watching it with me as she has another glass of wine while my dad is out drinking
>Suddenly the scene comes up where the kid fucks his mum
>"Oh user, I hope you don't plan on doing that with me haha"
Turns out my Japanese comics were actually horror stories.
If your mother doesn't talk all the way through movies and when you complain say "you can just watch it later" do you even have a mother?
Did it take you out of the cinematic experience seeing people have sex?
>Watching this with your parents
Are you mad?
Is that a man on the left?
Are there any good Oedipus Rex adaptions?
>be me, early 20s, just started dating new girl
>invited over to her parent's house for dinner
>parents seem to like me, everyone's laughing
>after dinner we decide to sit in living room and watch TV
>sitting on couch with GF while her conservative dad is sitting diagonal from us
>"Oh I haven't watched Titanic in a while"
>everything fine, until pic related scene comes on
>dad's face turns super serious
>starts looks at me and his daughter
>looking at me like seeing Winslet nude is going to make me rip my GF's clothes and starting fucking her in front of him
>trying to stare as emotionless as possible at TV until scene is over
>scene ends
>think I'm out of the woods
>like a minute
>"so what did you think about that scene?"
>literally speechless
>tell him it's sad
>sits in silence for a moment
>says nothing else after that
>girl is now my wife
>Turns out my Japanese comics were actually horror stories.
my retard sister put it on she didn't know what it was thought it was a chick flick
A remember one holocaust jewflick where a kid was hiding out from the Germans, and started cutting his dick to make it look uncircumsized so he could bang some hitler youth chick he liked. I was probably eleven. Also saw the Guitar scene from Forrest Gump at a friends house at age nine
Is this even any good? I guess it haha to be decent if it won the Palm d’Or but I watched that Mektoub movie by this guy and it was just fucking terrible (outside of that hot chick being naked for 10 seconds in two different scenes)
Yeah they made him gay in the movie
10 year old me (who was obsessed with Alexander after watching Reign: the Conqueror) was so pissed
Gonna need a sauce on that first one bro
Fucking show was based, same with Aeon Flux
i watched this in 2013 in a full packed kinoplex on the premiere day, there was an old couple they left immediately after the sex scene besides that nothing weird happened. the movie was great
>i know why user chose this one! hahaha *slaps your leg*
only movie i got an erection from too
That's sounds very hot ngl
The Night Porter
Thanks, dad
>only movie i got an erection from
You have low T
>they made him gay in the movie
user I...
The South Park movie
Are your parents lesbians ?
I can't even remember the kino, just that I rubbed one out in the middle of the theatre while sitting sandwiched between family members.
Everytime I remember it I pray that nobody noticed.
they knew
Don't joke about these things user
of course it's a degenerate kike that would show this to his parents
Might not be a typical answer for this question, but Requiem for a Dream.