Ok Yas Forums, pick your poison

Ok Yas Forums, pick your poison.

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annie obviously

Annie, no question.

Britta is insufferable and significantly less attractive.


whichever one brie is

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Mercury poisoning for me please.

Annie on the show
Gillian in real life

>G-d's chosen
not even once

in character, Annie
in real life, Gillian

These are the correct answers. Threads done

for me, it's sasha

Attached: sasha dfc.jpg (1920x1080, 224.53K)

Also Gillian has aged well
Alison has decidedly not

Attached: alisonbrieglow.jpg (620x420, 38.98K)

Who is this

The blonde one

>ywn date a hot cute girl wearing a skimpy easy access sundress

Britta and Gilly

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Seriously, what the fuck happened!?!?!?

prime alison > prime gillian
current gillian >>> current alison

me on the left


She lost weight for Glow.

left left left

Gillian, because I feel like the other one would bully me.

time and the soccer mom haircut doesn't help


julia goldani telles


yes you can

I want Britta to bully me.

Notice how her arm hovers above average height indicating she subconsciously tells manlets to fuck off.

in character annie as a butt slut and out of character gillian as a real life wife for breeding purposes.

>Gillian is 5’4”
>I’m 6’2”
Oh shit boys I’ve got a chance

>dating an acrtress

Watch "Love"

Attached: Love S02E11 -.jpg (1920x1080, 1.12M)


Early Season Britta = Late Season Annie > Early Season Annie Late Season Britta

holy shit. based observation



Faggots this is the hardest choice brought to man

If Annie/Britta are equivalent to Rei/Asuka, I present to you the Misato of Community

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Something is off about her face. I reckon it's the nose but it's hard to tell without testing.

That role gets replayed by Frankie in the last season

the gentile

Who invited Yas Forums

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What is it about ?