Absolute kino epsiode filters 95% of viewers

>Absolute kino epsiode filters 95% of viewers

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Easily the best episode and arguably the only good thing about the show follwoing the destruction of the Sept of Balor.

Later seasons game of thrones really is one of the worst shows of all time

*nods respectfully towards you*
Aye. My expectations were subverted... as was my anus

No the best episode was breast plate stretcher

100% fucking agree. Cers 9/11ing the sept was the last time I gave a shit about the show, but this episode surprised me with how well it was executed. Too bad it was all for nothing.

I agree, season 5-7 is fucking hot garbage. I unironically I liked the last 2 epsiodes tho except for Jaime just going back to die, but Brienne writing his deeds was good at least

Cleganebowl and that Greyjoy fight were shit, but the rest was gold.

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this was terrible though. the mountain wasn't even a character anymore since he was just a zombie and sandor could've just not done anything and gregor would've died in the flames anyway. not to mention it was just an awkwardly shot fight that featured him stabbing his sword directly through plate armor lmao when the show used to make a big deal about the effectiveness of armor

Not even close

What do you mean all for nothing?

Saved by it’s effects and budget. The worst writing I’ve ever seen on a show though

yes yes george, we know
now get back to writing

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yo. the anus talk is MY thing, get your own thing, or i will be expanding your diarrhea dilater.

We get it, you love Hitler. Go away.

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>the show used to make a big deal about the effectiveness of armor

2 episodes b4 this, we saw the little goblin stab right thru the soi king so D&D threw that logic out the window. As for the Sandor fight, I liked the visuals and I think the hound wanted to die with the mountain. I don't think he had plans to leave, he even told Arya that going up means death and no coming back

I meant best since season 6 finale. Everything after that up to the series finale was hot garbage.

I liked the last two episodes (minus Jaime dying like a bitch) so I have no issues with the conclusion of the show (aside from the night king shit) I just hate how it fucking got to that point. The bridge to the finale was sloppy and rushed and shit

Fuck that failure of an artist. You know as well as I do that the Kings Landing monkeys have had it coming since Season 1. Circe nuking the Sept was good, but she was no better than the rest. They got what they fucking deserved.

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This scene looks like one of those digital fan made paintings that depict book scenes, I love the atmosphere and the camera angle here.

>even worse, Attack on Titan
>shit opinion
Makes sense

>stark male line will go extinct
>targaryens are extinct
>tyrells are extinct
>baratheons are extinct except for a bastard line "legitimized" by a queen no one in the south recognized

meanwhile the based Lannisters carry on

Season 5-8only had like one or two good episodes and you're right, the season 6 finale and The Bells and the Series finale are the only standouts or decent episodes imo Hardhome was good too but that's abt it

>2 episodes b4 this, we saw the little goblin stab right thru the soi king so D&D threw that logic out the window
that was retarded that doesn't make it okay to do again here

>watching a character fight a shell of character he hated, pretty much nullifying the reason he hated him to begin with for no reason at all
wow how epic

>the Kings Landing monkeys have had it coming since Season 1.

They certainly didn't do anything that made them worth saving

Yeah, the shell of the character is a good point and it could have been better but I still liked it

is jamie a goof and a piece of shit?

I dunno I just don't know why D&D ruined his character like that. I refuse to believe the fat man told them to do it. He like flipped over 1 episode baka

>broad daylight
>incredibly obvious green screen

>character arc is focused on redemption and learning to overcome hate
>pulls a complete 180 at the end to give retards na epic meme fight
The worst of all is knowing that if they had put this fight at the end of S7 instead os S8 the retarded normie audiences would have called it one of the best moments of the show

>character arc is focused on redemption and learning to overcome hate

Is this true tho? Sure the focus was on redemption but not hate tho Even when he came back in season 6, he survived because "hate" (he literally states this) kept him alive. And ever since that point, he's been killing fuckers and talking abt how he's gonna kill his brother.

I'd say what your statement more accurately lines up with is Jaime's arc. They ruined that shit

What show is this?

>I just don't know why D&D ruined his character like that.

No strong male leads allowed, only dicklets, midgets, and losers. All strong males killed.

You think the hound cared what they had done to clegane? Its still the body of the man that scarred him for life

>The Hound

Yeah pretty much.