>..Ehh...I need a new dust filter for my Hoover MaxExtract PressurePro model 60 as soon as possible. Can you help me with that?
..Ehh...I need a new dust filter for my Hoover MaxExtract PressurePro model 60 as soon as possible...
So, he's going to be the new villain in S6 after Lalo kills his father?
why did he side with that queer guys over based Lalo?
because gay gus will kill his father if he doesnt obey
Can't you just clean the filter?
the Lalo would have protected him
I don't sell vacuum parts, dude.
i don't get it
why would he need a dust filter for a carpet cleaner
then gay gus will tell Lalo who switched the pills on Hector
This writing is so kino
he could have just blamed it on gus
S6 ep1 spoiler
jokes aside, could he have looked any redder in the face? I'm sure Tony Dalton didn't breathe for like 2 minutes before the shot. so good
it seems he has a talent for that
This would be based
At this point lalo is an anime character
>From now on you are Sir Nigel Bottomley. You were born in Porlock and have spent the last seven years poaching elephants in Tanzania. You might want to brush up on your Cornish, Sir Bottomley.
>killed an entire tactical assault team by himself
is mike the only character with enough plot armor to match him in a fight?
So kino. Made me sad to see the bromance destroyed so quick with lalo. Also don't like seeing lalo hurting tbqh
Does he have any evidence?
>From now on you are Michael Mando, a French Canadian actor born in Québec City. He is trained in both classical and contemporary theatre. He is most known for his work in Better Call Saul (Season 5/February 2020), Orphan Black, The Hummingbird Project and Far Cry 3 & The Far Cry Experience. He also is Mac Gargan aka The Scorpion in Spiderman Homecoming. See full bio..You might want to brush on your Canadian French, mr Mando.
citra destroyed muh nigga just look at him he done he lost his soul
what bromance? nacho never liked him and always acted awkward and quiet around him
and you think Lalo would let him live?
he doesnt need any
his word is enough, and even if Lalo doesnt instantly kill nacho he would pressure him or tricking him into admitting it sooner or later. he cant trust him anymore anyway so of what use could he be anyway?
>See full bio...
This had me yucking until the meta reference.
yes because the cartel is known to care about evidence they definitely dont shoot people on the spot for even smaller offenses or anything
Lalo has no reason to trust Gus any more than Nacho.
you are innocent until proven guilty
>drug cartels abide by United States law
What a fucking stupid post, user.
why wouldn't they? it's illegal not to.
That guy had one good role
>So, he's going to be the new villain in S6 after Lalo kills his father?
Now that Lalo has got his leg injured, does that mean that Nacho will have a small chance when they have a leap-off in S6?