This shit has too high rating!

Do the right thing and leave 1 star.

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Havent seen it but done

I liked it. Almost no slav feeling, but it was better than expected.

1 star is still too high

Then you have low expectation.
If this shit keeps up, next season Geralt of Rivia will be Jerome of Liberia.

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Thank you for your contribution.
These sjw cretins must know their place.

rated 10 to even this out

>caring about the show adaption of this reddit game

Blacks in medieval east europe? Nyet, nigga.

The special effects, sound, cinematography are all excellent. Even the acting is decent to average. It's the casting that is horrendous. The second episode had a black guy fucking a white woman. I tired watching the third episode but it just wasn't interesting to me.

The game is based on lore. It would be like making an African lore film, shot by Africans, filmed by Africans and with European actors sprinkled about. It doesn't make sense to do that other than to write White people out of their own lore and history.

I rated it a 1 to even it out again. Although the main protagonist is male it's a very female centered show.

You sure showed them.

why does people liking something you don't make you so upset

It's overrated by critics because of it's black castings. If all the characters represented the time period and lore of the novel these same critics would all hate it. That's just a fact.

Toss a star to your witcher

>It's overrated by critics because of it's black castings
don't critics dislike it? i remember low scores on RT when it first came out

one even admitted to skipping like 3 episodes and then complaining about not knowing what was going on

I don't do ratings and I don't believe in them

>this pozzed garbage gets 8.3/10
Proof that most people have absolutely zero taste.

>reddit game
the game was kino and you're just trying to be an edgy faggot by pretending you don't like it even though you probably never played it anyway

the games are based on books, not "lore"

The books were so good and the show was so bad, it's just depressing. Is this how Game of Thrones books fans felt when they had to watch season 8?

the diversity casting sucks but it overall wasn't that bad thanks to cavill and hunchback


It's bad. It's really, really bad. The timeline is all kinds of fucked, character motivations make no sense, characters act in the interests of other characters they have never meant...all because Netflix wanted to adapt Last Wish/Sword of Destiny (a collection of mostly Geralt-centric short stories with plenty of kid Ciri and a couple Yen stories) and turned it into the Yennefer show. Idk what the equivalent would be in another book to tv adaptation because it's just so bad.

Imagine if Harry Potter became the story of Ron Weasley's childhood. The final episode is Ron saving the day and killing Voldemort, and Hermione meets Harry for the first time and asks "Who's Ron Weasley?". That's what Witcher Netflix did with Yen.

It’s about a white guy colonizing shitskins and bagging a loli

You have terrible taste. Get off my board faggot.

Not your personal army you fag. The show sucked. I'm just going to pretend it never existed.

No it’s how we felt watching seasons 2-8

Is it just 1 autist who has such a hate boner for the show that he keeps making threads about it?

Probably a journo fishing for screencaps for his next piece of clickbait. Try getting a real job, buddy!

>miscegenation is okay when white men do it

Overall its shit with brief moments of little lesser shit.

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That episode with the old man who was secretly a dragon or whatever was some of the worst shit I’ve seen in a long time. Worse than Bollywood-tier, at least Bollywood is hilarious

The games do not adapt any of the books’ stories.

>The special effects, sound, cinematography are all excellent

it's a continuation of the books

It's pozzed. Why are you lying?


>The special effects, sound, cinematography are all excellent.

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