Tree of Life

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>Mommy's Game
>The Help
Is Jessica Chastain one of the best actresses currently?

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Mommy indeed

She is rather nice

Shame she made it big just as she was hitting the wall.

She is definitely one of the more attractive actresses. That's not saying a lot though since most Hollywood actors are ugly Jews or some nigress so ugly not even a black guy would fuck them.

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Isn't this just a picture of Lady Fyre?


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I watched Dark Phoenix yesterday and I can only assume half of her screen time was left on the cutting room floor. She has like 10 minutes of screen time, has maybe 6 lines of dialogue (all delivered terribly) that consist of gems like "your lives mean nothing to us" and "we will kill you all." I can't imagine why she took such a non-character of a role, it really made me question her acting ability. Guess she needed to resurface her pool or something.

more of her from the help?

Do you see the depth between its chin and throat? How the sternocleidomastoid muscles are abnormally well defined yet the rest of the body appears to have a normal level of body fat?

How about where the neck meets the chest? This area is abnormally slender and void of body fat in contrast to the arms. The same circumstance occurs at the shoulders.

This is a man who had surgery at a young age and most likely hormone medications.

This is Hollywood.

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i want to believe you user, but unless i see a dick, im a sucker for big white tits

These things will not halt their assault on society. They are programmed beyond the point of reversal. You can't remove this from the plantation and allow it to roam pastures freely.

It has to be put down. It is the only humane thing to do for both it and society.

Make Joaquin cry.

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She's incredible but her film choices are terrible.

Rumor about her around Hollywood that she's a massive slut for roles.

especially more recently with It and xmen but I assume those are just bigger paydays for her

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No, she suck Harvey for roles (or connections)

ywn come home from work with someone that happy to greet you at the door

Ye, i'm curious to see what films she makes with her production studio. She's doing a big spy film and some others but the director of the spy film is the same one who did xmen...

She's really talented so it's a shame she's in such pap.

But aren't they too perfect?

The asses come in larger sizes if you look around. They even have fake pooches to hide their cocks. Especially after they've had children (cloned or adopted).

Butt Pads Fake Butt Silicone Buttocks Shaper Panty with Smooth Control Instant Lift and Shape LARGE BLACK

Do you believe Portmans's tiny hips brought two children into the world? How many women do you know with a clef chin like the thing in this thread? Taylor Swift always wears bottoms cut just like the product in the attached photo. Normal females have a gap between their thighs that is larger than a males because the penis is frontal and the vagina, the portal of life, is between their legs. Take a good look at Katy Perry's crotch on /hr/.

They are all men.

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I understand not wanting too do it but taking your medications isn't always a bad thing

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pretty neat she's starting her own production studio but yeah from the sound of it wouldn't have high hopes for that spy movie

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Imagine being this obsessed with tranny cock that you just see trannies everywhere now. Very sad. Many such cases.

Yep, she's got three films at the studio and she's starring in all of them which is great. The people making them aren't promising which is a bummer.

well she has no one to blame but herself for how they turn out I suppose
hopefully she doesn't pull a Portman with it either

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Only having male directors? So far she has.

Take your meds

thats fine, its just that failed attempt at pandering she tried by complaining about lack of female directors while not hiring her own

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So hot in Thing part 2.

Her current bae is Andy Muschietti who gave her Mama, major roles in both IT films, and she's rumored to be a major character in his Flash movie too.