trope i hate: >medieval fantasy setting >they refer to 'north' and 'south' even though these are modern concepts
trope i love: >when the character was doing lots of great things shown in a montage, things were seen through rose tinted glasses, everyone loving him, things going perfect, good weather >flashback later in the film show things werent as great as he remembered, nobody laughs at his jokes, it was grim weather, people were not impressed with him
hate: >war movie >does not consist at least 85% of grown men shitting themselves while howling like animals crying for mommy while pissing themselves while dying
love: >war movie >consists at least 85% of grown men shitting themselves while howling like animals crying for mommy while pissing themselves while dying
Jaxson Butler
>Plane goes down a cliff/clouds/anything >Camera doesnt follow it >Music stops >Comes back flying up with le epic music Stop doing this fucking shit holy fuck
The cardinal direction were named during the medieval era you dip, and the concept of direction has been a thing since the dawn of time. Are you fucking retarded?
Elijah Kelly
Name 1 (one) movie
Juan Moore
are you serious? theres no fuking way those peasents in lotr and got knew the map of the world, globe, and there being a north pole at the op. it pisses me off when got is all 'hurr durr, le north is cold', ' you souferners have all the good weather', 'your from the wall, thats south to me lol'.
Michael Perry
Trope I love: >Show has an ensemble cast and in this episode, each character is on their own. I love it when a show can equally balance their little adventures and have it fit into one episode. Bonus points if they gather together at the end again right before the credits.
Ryan Gomez
Matthew Myers
Bronze age greeks had compasses
Benjamin Diaz
this is literally kino. i thought you were about to say you love it. you got filtered son.
Mason Rogers
2012 does this at least 3 times.
William Sanders
ever heard of the north star?
Jack Ramirez
I remember you from the last thread.
Levi Campbell
>character says something right-wing >mom says she ashamed that he came out of her VUHGINAAAAA
Xavier Miller
this has to be bait
Josiah Kelly
is this bait? are you implying people only recently invented orientation?
Ayden Cook
Seinfeld? Pretty much every episode past season 2 does this.
Lucas Ward
All I can think of is stuff like Arrested Development or Always Sunny
Sebastian Myers
>hero and his arch-nemesis team up to take down an even bigger villain that is a threat to both of them
Jayden Flores
>Fantasy setting >uses words/terms with roots in Earth history
Brody Murphy
Yas Forums has a high concerntration of users that are simultaneously stupid and arrogant.
I really liked the subway episode where they almost acknowledge it. >Well, see ya! I’m just saying it’s better when it’s rare in the show. Like, in Seinfeld, Jerry might meet up with Kramer mid-episode, but in this one, they’re away from the group for the meat of the episode. A show that thrives on the chemistry of the main cast let’s each character shine on their own and give each other space. I don’t know, it just tickles me the right way. Has Community ever done this? I feel like they have but I can’t remember.
Thomas Jones
>first 30mins of the movie sets up the older 'small town' bully or nemesis of the mc, he seems pretty bad as he pushes the protag, knocks their books, chases them through the forest, bullies them or something >halfway through the movie the real antagonist or monster is attacking the mc then the older bully from the start comes running out and kills a henchman or monster, saving the mc >smalltown bully suddenly seems likable in comparison
fucking love that shit.
Hunter Ward
I like this except for when the villain stays one of the good guys. I like when he teams up for his own selfish means but then goes back to trying to fuck over the protagonists after.
Parker Peterson
Film where that happens? Sounds kino so I'd be interested in that shit play out
Justin Murphy
Aaron Roberts
Hunter Cruz
So basically a redemption arc. Either way works me. I like it when the hero has a main arch rival that'll be the villain at first, then be unwilling ally or recede into background, then reemerge as a the central villain again for some climatic story arc.
Cooper Roberts
>medieval battle >commander orders his archers to "FIRE!"
Camden Perez
>horror movie >"oh fuck, the killer was a demon/ghost/supernatural being, thus explaining away any glaring plotholes" >jump scares
>black guy teaches white guy how to dance or have soul or literally anything (only exception to this rule I've seen is Silver Streak because that scene is timeless).
Jackson Hughes
LotR and GoT are fiction, retard.
Nathaniel Ward
Jakob and Dom team up to save the familia in fast and furious 11, space drifting and granny shifting on Mars
Jeremiah Jenkins
i love it when the bad guy cares about his men as much as the hero cares about his friends Actually any good rivalry or friendship between men is always top shelf kino if executed tactfully.
I hate the thing where a smart person is explaining something and somebody interjects to ask a question or make a comment that's obviously meant to aid the audience understand something. Common in scifi. Also when a cop is struggling with a case and an offhand remark gives him the clue he needs. Like c'mon.
Angel Young
It’s more of a redemption arc that has an anti-redemption conclusion. Like “you know I’ll still try to kill you when we get this bastard, right?” “I know.”
Lucas Brooks
>High school/college scene/movie >Guys are somehow knowledgable about their education and not dicksmackers who throw staplers across the room and consider everything "gay"
That's the funny thing about these tropes. I know they exist and recognise them immediately but struggle to think of specific instances.
Gabriel Long
not sure exactly but its definitely happened, like im pretty sure in eight legged freaks theres the town bully and he ends up coming out of nowhere running over a spider on his motorbike and saves someone, then youre rooting for him to escape. i seen another movie where the grown up / older brother bully is bullying the mc in a forest but then a baddie or wolf or something comes and the bully saves them. other examples ive seen those small town horrors where the mc and his buddies are getting chased by the monster and the older brother (who you hated earlier) appears and scares off the monster/alien
>eight legged freaks Kek, I should rewatch that with a bro when high
Hudson Stewart
Honestly, I don’t know why I can’t come up with any examples either. It’s just that I know for a fact that I’ve heard it and it just sounds so kino.
Aiden Wright
>knew the map of the world What about just their own countries? You think they'd just mark them up, down, left and right?
Ryder Wood
>>black guy teaches white guy how to dance or have soul or literally anything (only exception to this rule I've seen is Silver Streak because that scene is timeless).
Wasn't this subverted in that one Will Smith movie?