I can not stop laughing. The opener of series 3 of line of duty is complete nonsense right? There is no way that is actually what British "swat" is like right?

>commader is frumpy old women
>lock guns in back of truck in the trunk in metal box until you reach site
>stop car get guns out of truck in the trunk and hand them out of box one by one and start screaming
>teams consist of multiple women and pakis along with a cuck and incel
>teams all point guns straight in the air and run through choke points in straight lines

This is a joke right? There is no way british "swat" is this incompetent and dumb

Attached: 99780.jpg (620x413, 78.17K)

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Everything about britain is incompetent and dumb. Except for Wales

The metal box I can believe, the rest not so much

The only thing i can buy is checking out your weapon from the armory. Why the fuck would you put it in a metal box in the truck? It delays operational tactics. It makes no sense

Got a link, m8?

>t. sheepshagger

It’s almost as if you’re watching a fictional tv show

You need to remember that by and large, the nerds who end up in our 'swat' teams will never deal with anything more than an unarmed Brazilian plumber or a random dude who happens to be holding a wooden chairleg.

I cant find a link but its literally the first 10 minutes of the series 3 opener.

Gaz what are you doing you melt

Will check it out, sounds cringe

What about the muslims running people over with trucks

How did I know these people were britoids?

They don't deal with them, they just arrest the survivors for intolerance.

Hinterlands is kino

In reality they actually check that the police officers have a loiscence to use them guns when they take them out of the metal box.

Sorry mate, afraid I have to see your bigotry licence for that kind of post.

More like Cowshagger, because I'm a BVLL

Top kek

They do have to have firearm permits. They mention it everytime they talk about guns on the show

The only thing that British cops can do is team up on white working class little girls when they come to report rape by their precious pakis.
Didn't you see that shitshow with a Chad Pole with narwhal horn going Winger Hussar on some stabby labor enricher?

Wales is the laughingstock of the UK.

>It delays operational tactics.
That is exactly what happened during the latest bridge stabbing spree. Cops were on site but they had to wait for reinforcements with keys to the locked weapon box.


stop doing this, zoomers

They'll clean the trucks afterwards to combat hate.

What? Didnt hear about it


kek what a faggot

a cuck who wrote about how the uk was racist for locking up paki terrorists was stabbed to death by a paki terrorist out on early release on london bridge, polish inmate present for an out of prison workshop broke into a nearby museum to kill said paki terrorist using a narwhal tusk

How can you be this incompetent? No wonder there is a new mosque popping up every few days

When a representative of the religion of peace attacked a load of people with knives, one of the civilians who fended him off until a copper with a gun turned up was a guy literally armed with a narwhale tusk.

lmao/lmfao is millennial

>Cops were on site but they had to wait for reinforcements with keys to the locked weapon box.

Jesus Christ, UK.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 36.23K)

An absolute clown show. Sounds like a Yas Forums shitpost. Even funnier considering one of the mirdered and his father's subsequent reaction.

Attached: Screenshot_20200421-222555_Brave.jpg (1080x3231, 1.08M)

You couldn't make kino like this up

lmao dont care virgin

go back zoomers

What? There is no way thats true hahaha. Holy shit just looked it up

bet they could fuck you up

British Police don't actually do anything when *actual* threats arise. It's the local SAS and Marines that kick doors and do rapid responces.

Attached: 0_SAS-commando-617351.jpg (615x409, 54.52K)

>polish inmate present for an out of prison workshop broke into a nearby museum to kill said paki terrorist using a narwhal tusk
I wonder if he'd always wanted to impale someone with a narwhal tusk, it seems too specific to be the first weapon that came to hand.

that's look like dumb tv series for boomers
those aren't suppose to be realistic

>until a copper with a gun turned up was a guy literally armed with a narwhale tusk.
Bizzare thing is that while cops were waiting for the keys and the attacker was enriching people, the defender still had plenty of time to find a museum, barge in steal a fucking narwhal tusk of all things and return back to the stabbing scene.

I wouldnt believe this if i hadnt googled it. Wtf bongs

>commader is frumpy old women
Kek. Pretending that women are super capable operators is standard fare across thanglo media. Saying that, the current head of the Met was complaining a while back that the Police anti-terrorist units were 'too male', so it won't be too far from the truth.

All that firepower to enforce being in your own home loicense laws.

Starring Rowan Atkinson running around locked weapon box.

roflmao make me boomboom chongus

So the police there are just annoying bureaucrats?