It really wasn't that good

It really wasn't that good

Attached: NotVeryGood.jpg (512x288, 37.36K)

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>Best girl does innhe very first episode
Dropped it right then and there.

every single female was completely miscast, and Henry Caville with his ridiculous accent and C-Tier acting was painful. 3/10

I wonder what this thread will turn into.

dumb phone poster

Attached: CiriSuck.jpg (1940x302, 214.18K)

It wasn't good at all. I guess video games just don't translate well into artistic mediums like film.

barely anyone on Yas Forums ever said this shit was good.
normies and redditors love it for some reason.

Well it certainly didnt have much going for it besides Cavill. Look at the writing staff and how they talk.

They try latching on to the possible next big thing that will fill the empty hole in their hearts.

>Yas Forums is still crying about the latest fantasy show that didn't live up to their expectations
when will you faggots grow up? sci-fi and fantasy is almost always retarded, why can't you understand this and move on?

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yeah it was kind of lame tbqh. felt very cheesy and the plot was kind of all over the place.

Also no matter how many times fans of this franchise explain "the law of surprise" to me it sounds completely retarded.

I never hyped it up before it came out. There is good sci-fi and fantasy, but like most things, most shit is bad.

the books are trash tier fanfic. Netflix captured them perfectly.

>for some reason
it's because the Witcher is popular. Nobody would've seen it if it wasn't for the name. Same as Mandalorian.

wrong, it was garbage

cavill wasn't doing it any favours

Trash tier as this fanfic?

The short story collections are alright. It's enjoyable fantasy with some mild nuance. The Netflix version is so bad that it doesn't do them justice apart from meme man being good in the role.

The books after the first two are trash, I agree.

i wasn't expecting much but it still disappointed me. I was annoyed by the non-linear narration, not because it was hard to follow but because it felt like a gimmick. How are they going to approach it in S2? They can do it only once.
The dragon episode was laughable
everything is so hopeless and drab
All they had to do was monster of the week show with some plot connecting the episodes. But they made GoT copy shit

>what is the expanse

its not like The Witcher books are high art Tolkien, you can only work with what you got.

>Yas Forums is still crying about the latest show that didn't live up to their expectations
when will you faggots grow up? television and film is almost always retarded, why can't you understand this and move on?

there literally is not one good sci-fi movie or show. it's all bollocks for manchildren

It was literal shit.

YA tv show

>its not like The Witcher books are high art Tolkien
They aren’t. But they are close.

The problem were the talentless and ugly actresses, also while henvill tried his best he's really not fit for the role.


It was bland as fuck. Comes nowhere close to the quality of Witcher 3.

so was that atrocious depth of field and therefore shitty blurr technical incompetency or a dumb artistic choice?