240 days till ⊃∪∩⪽

240 days till ⊃∪∩⪽

Attached: dunepilota.png (600x450, 487.89K)

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Can't wait for Marveltards to rage at it for not having quippy dialogue.
>Holy spice shitting sand worms!

I'm scared, bros. What if it's shit?

Is this the story of the first book? Are there other movies scheduled already?

the first book is being split into two films

honestly I think it's going to be crap. production shots look they copy-pasted parts of other dune movies without any original thought.

>that's my secret, Muad'Dib
>I'm always on melange

>We need a plan
>I have a plan: Sandworms

See the image in the OP post? The dudes around the tank would be wearing simple gray robes and there will be nothing on the walls, it will be filmed in the gray hangar with no details. The creature in the tank, the navigator will be some cringe woman looking sexualized creature with no eyes.

>Hm somehow Duncan Idaho has returned

Dune is inherently unfilmable, if you legitimately care about the Dune universe you'd already know this.

They'll pretend to love it because a black woman turns up for two scenes and is then is subjected to one of the worst deaths in the book. Because that's empowering, somehow?

When is the trailer?

>So who talks first? You talk first? I talk first?

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why should I care about Dune ? is it kino

>Oh, they dig now!
>They dig now...

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>Lord of the Rings is inherently unfilmable, if you legitimately care about the Tolkien universe you'd already know this.

> is it kino
yes, Imagine if star wars had depth

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>I'm Muad'Dib
>oh, we're using real names now?

>All the incels complaining that kynes is black woman
>Means she got bleached by a fremen

where to start ?

Finished this today from the third sitting, it seems they were really in a hurry to finish filming in the second half.

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It's more like calling the Silmarillion unfilmable - which it also is.

Watch this first

then start with the first book
> b-ok.cc/book/1490631/0953e4

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Is there a terms for insufferable plebs who think they're any less retarded and culturally bereft than capeshit fans because they enjoy Villeneuve and Nolan?


This is literally the extent of your critical capabilities you insufferable pleb faggot

Do they explain what the FUCK was Harkonnen's family problem?

Can't wait for another 6/10 romp that'll somehow convince zoomers they've witnessed the second coming of Kubrick

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Well he's not interested in watching his own movie too

What a fucking poster, woulda loved to see that.

you can listen to this music while you read it

heres a playlist full of lore videos.

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Giraffe on fire sells it

Are the two miniseries any good?

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>robot with lightsabre

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This guy is such an idiot. He actually claims Paul isn't the protagonist of Dune.

>you can listen to this music while you read it
Try listening to Spice Opera.
Wake up is probably my favourite track.

The new filmmakers also make weird comments to, like saying how Jessica is going to be a badass and how the new movie Baron won't be the book caricature but instead predatory and calculating... except for the fact that Jessica already was a fearsome "badass" in the novel and the book Baron was predatory and calculating.

based anime reaction image get poster

Well she's always badass, never saw a movie where she wouldn't

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Will we ever see based Tleliaxu putting thots in their place?

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>have Welsh heritage
>tfw not sure whether to fuck Rebecca or the lamb

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