Is it safe to say that America now pretends that this movie never happened?

Is it safe to say that America now pretends that this movie never happened?

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fuck you talking about, even my wokest of woke acquaintances think GWTW is the unequivocal kino it absolutely is. they just sneer at all the based scenes and make "funny" comments.

No. It's still largely celebrated.

I watched it in college and my professor was a feminist lesbian commie who said everything bad was because of zionism. So I don't think so.

if you mean the zionism part it's pretty common for far-lefties to hate Israel. I took a lot of Poli-sci courses in college and I watched the anti-Israel documentary "five broken cameras" like 3 times in different classes.

Then I had a polish catholic professor who supported Trump and he had a poster in his office mocking Hamas.

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the day is coming when they'll tilt at it for real, but it isnt here yet

>the golem turns on its master

not really, even back in the 1960s the Communist bloc was really anti-Israel

they commited the sin of not having a gratuitous whipping scene in a movie tangentially connected to slaves. every movie set in that period is obligated to have a 5 minute whipping scene.


why would it? are you some kind of retard?

Mammy was based

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this was the entire reason neoconservatism was invented, all the early neocons were trotskyite jews who split with the left because even the dissident left hated israel

why i this film even hailed as a masterpiece? It's a four hour long soap opera

the movie is able to sustain a continuous and engaging narrative across those four hours. not a single scene is pointless or wasted and the quality is consistent throughout.
also it depicts a woman enjoying being raped, which automatically makes it kino.

I long for the days when kino such as this comes back. If Avengers had a rape scene where Elizabeth Olsen enjoyed rape from Chris Evans, it would have surpassed GWTW.

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I guess, "engaging" might be debatable but perhaps I just don't like melodrama that much. It does manage to keep a consistent quality throughout the movie though. A mediocre quality

Also one of the greatest MGTOW ending ever

>i dislike it therefore it is bad

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Trotskyite communist regimes like Yugoslavia were still anti-Israel. Only one that wasn't was Ceausescu's Romania and that was more national socialist if anything.

Translation: Memphis theatre bends the knee and pulls Gone With The Wind because whiny sjws bitched about it.

fuck if i know how they did it in europe, in america the trotskyites were new york jews who all defected to the right and ruined it when the CIA decided the john birchers were too much of a liability

1939 is the kinoest of years of American Cinema. Depression era films have an unequaled earnestest to them that most movies don't have.

AMC plays it at least once a year so no nobody pretends it never happened.

What movies will be blacklisted like this in 50 years?

I've never seen it, what's so bad about it?

>audiences reportedly cheered at Rhett Butler's famous line
it was a different time

It "romanticizes slavery"

That might be true of Birth Of A Nation, but not GWTW.

It depicts slavery.
There's one scene where Scarlett O'Hara beats a black slave girl and threatens her. Members of the KKK (though not made apparent as such) are depicted as normal people (doctors, businessmen, upper class old money) and portrayed in a sympathetic light. Also the movie is like a 4 hour critique on the nature and dangers of a woman who is untethered, overly proud, strong-willed and free-spirited.

All commies see Israel as an illegal terror state

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