Is he correct?

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Is he ever not correct?

Films that are overrated? Yeah, he's right.

I presume this is mockery

>No Andrei Rublev

>Its real

>correct on anything
reminder he got dabbed on by a fat scottish man

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He said Bernie Sanders would get the Democrat nominee.

Amadeus is not overrated

>Ikiru in top five
Pretty based, ngl.

On Ridley Scott
>Ridley Scott has, for some odd reason, received accolades that far outpace his actual accomplishments. He’s made one entertaining film, Gladiator, and a host of second rate films masquerading as masterpieces. Scott is a key player in the rise of the infernal shaky-cam, which is not only biologically inaccurate (the human eye adjusts for bodily movements), but incredibly annoying. For that alone, he should be exiled to a land without cameras.

On Michael Mann
>All style, no substance.

On David Lean
>Everything Lean made is too long by at least half an hour. I know it’s mortal sin to suggest that Laurence of Arabia, Dr. Zhivago, The Bridge on the River Kwai, and Ryan’s Daughter are anything less than masterpieces, but … they’re all less than masterpieces.

On Darren Aronofsky
>Aronofsky is a talentless dud who has bamboozled his way into Hollywood upper echelon. Every film he’s ever made is a disaster. Pi is a jumble of nonsense that starts nowhere and goes nowhere. It may be the worst film ever made. Watching it made me want to rip out my own retinas, then replace them through surgery, then rip them out again. Of late, Aronofsky has been spicing up his chaotic, disordered crap with explicit lesbian sex scenes, a stylistic trait he apparently cribbed from David Lynch. Not one of his films has been a major commercial success. Yet somehow, someone keeps giving him money. It’s enough to make one question the existence of a beneficent God.

On Mike Nichols
>No. Just no. The Graduate is contemptible and snort-worthy spoiled 1960s-child angst. The ending of that movie alone makes it unworthy of human viewing. All future directors take note: having your main characters staring blankly into nothingness is not an ending. It is a cop out. Nichols’ directorial style is ordinary and he picks bland material. And he was an icon for the Baby Boomers. If that’s not a sign of their mental disturbance, I don’t know what is.

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This is ultimately Shapiro's downfall, he's such a jumpy cringey little fag, he can be right about everything hell never win with optics like this

On David Lynch
>Pure and absolute suckage, with the exception of The Elephant Man. Lynch is one of those annoyingly “deep” directors we’re all supposed to puzzle over. Forget it. There’s nothing worth puzzling. He’s as empty as they come, and he makes up for it with graphic sex scenes, just like his imitator, Aranofsky.

On Tarantino
>He is a gifted high school child given a camera for his birthday, and entranced with his knowledge of cinema. Which means, in simple terms, he doesn’t know how to tell a story. Sometimes Tarantino’s films actually capture a struggling thought and bear it triumphantly a prisoner … until the idea dies of servitude and overwork.

On Woody Allen
>He’s pretentious and unbearable. His movies are like nails screeching on a chalkboard, only with less humor. He is as nerdy as Peter Orszag, but he acts out his fantasies and illuminates his insecurities in film and expects us all to watch. It’s okay for a director to be self-centered – Orson Welles was famously self-centered. But you actually have to be an interesting person in order to spend that much time focusing on yourself. Allen isn’t.

On Scorsese
>His films are entirely devoid of anything resembling likable characters. They are cold and calculating and ruthless – and boring. Taxi Driver is perhaps the most overrated film in Hollywood history — dreary, grungy, and subzero. Scorsese has never seen a main character he liked, a villain he hated, or a pair of editing scissors.

On Hitchcock
>He never made a great film. He was the Stephen King of the silver screen: he made films with great premises, but he never knew where to go from there. The psychoanalysis at the end of Psycho is laughable. If you want to see good Hitchcock, rent Alfred Hitchcock Presents. Restricted to the one hour medium, he’s at his best. Left to his own devices, he’s slightly better than mediocre.

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Ok this is based. Has Shapiro been /ourguy/ all along?

why can't jews understand Lynch?

this nigga's from the future with his snyder cut

>Justice League
Wait what

I want to know what he thinks about PTA and Nolan.

he is trying to trick you with his jewish tricks

Made me kek. Wonder how he'd get along with Armond White.

>say that woody allen is pretentious and love kurosawa

This guy has the most cringeworthy takes, what even is his job anyway?

Shut the fuck up. Shapiro is based

He supports the mutilation of sons.

>what even is his job anyway?
owning the libs

Name a single pretentious Kurosawa movie. And no, Dreams is not pretentious.

he has good taste

wtf I love communism now

>stereotypical badger

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>Snyder cut
Dare I say it? Yes, BASED and redpilled

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amadeus is a travesty if you value history and culture

Kurosawa is the most pretentious director in film history.

>Name a single pretentious Kurosawa movie

All movies, but especially the pretentious film is the throne of blood

ikiru is on my top5. otherwise trash

Looks like we were wrong the whole time. Ben is based

>gets filtered by a man best known for making movies about men hitting each other with swords
You might be a retard user. Also, throne of blood is a straightforward remake of Macbeth set in samurai times, there is virtually nothing pretentious about that. Try watching movies that aren't Marvel movies and you'll find tons of more pretentious directors out there, Kurosawa is one of the most honest filmmakers around.

Quick rundown on andrew neil?

>nnooo you can't just write an entertaining piece of historical fiction

Shapiro is just describing himself in all of these comments.

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But all of those are shit?

Amadeus is only bad because retards thought it was real. On its own the movie is a very entertaining period piece with interesting characters and themes.

If you think Ikiru is shit then you are the worst kind of pleb. My guess is that you've never even heard of it and are just judging based on the ones you recognize.