
My god i love this movie and i love alita too :3

Attached: alita-battle-angel-poster-13.jpg (1440x2134, 592.84K)


This is why we go to the movies, gentlemen


Attached: Alita Red Smile.jpg (2296x1608, 911.86K)

you're gross

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SOON™, I hope.

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The anime was better

I have this poster

also where the fuck is the official open matte release?

youve all got strong stomachs to look at this shit at all god bless ya

This thread of over

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you probably just have a weak dick

Attached: Alita Pjs Getting Out Of Bed 1.jpg (1524x1080, 625.75K)

Why didn't Japan go see it, bros?

because it looked fucking stupid

Hey, same user!

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She needs to get BLACKED asap

gunnm is obscure even in japan. that said cameron should have thrown in an avatar2 teaser at the end of the film to sell more tickets.

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She loves you

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She love u too user :3

Attached: Alita Sure Why Not.png (764x1012, 1.65M)

It is coming.

Jim's writing it now

it will be cucked as fuck by disney, i fucking bet it is

Jim wouldn't let that happen

She loves you more

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will Jimbo show who's boss and make a masterpiece out of it? please tell me yes

>tfw no sequel
it hurts bros