Which films deal with the hardships of being a mother?

Which films deal with the hardships of being a mother?

Attached: childdrop.webm (200x360, 2.51M)

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Dune is looking great

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these are the people that take your tax dollars for welfare

Why do white women fuck dogs

what a beautiful culture!


How vi..vibrant

If you wanted to get away with a stealth Yas Forums thread, you could probably post an on-topic image. 3 billboards outside Ebbing Missouri could work for this one. Then you immediately reply with the stuff you actually wanted to post. Just a suggestion.

Do Brits really?

>3 billboards outside Ebbing Missouri
That movie is already Yas Forumsbait.

fuck off racist

Have you seen the news clip of a single mom with 12 kids saying “someone needs to be held accountable”

This thread is obviousky a celebration of black customs, what's the problem here?

Attached: patties.webm (800x450, 2.81M)

Imagine feeling bad and wanting these animals to have your tax dollars.

there's nothing wrong with this one

Africans are based dont compare them to black americans

beautiful culture


eating healthy vegan food, living as one with nature, absolutely based

Malaria burgers go off

That's pretty cool actually

31 and never worked a day in my life i fuck niggers and kikes with no stones

we should start learning how to make do like this with how the economy is going to shit

making use of resources check
ethical protein source check
simple and effective check

Are all of these women the wife of one guy?

Attached: terry_smile.gif (200x234, 2.85M)

lmmmfaaaaaaoooooooooo wypipo be like yo dis too spicy for me shmfh bruh!!!

nothing wrong with this.

>stealth Yas Forums thread

Wow libtards just see pol behind every bush huh? Take your pills schizo

Attached: babysitter.webm (480x360, 835.02K)

because anyone not entirely complacent and apathetic to negro shenanigans is a far-right neo nazi