Coronavirus 2020 predictions thread

>americans aren't going to practice effective quarantining between now and summer, resulting in millions of cases around july and people mass gathering in beaches and clubs, ensuing mass police riots, arrests, and forced lockdowns

Attached: 5D4C7881-768B-4DBB-9F30-0FA68DB458C9.jpg (566x829, 149.03K)

More like millions of deaths. I've yet to see a people so retarded and brain-dead to the point they're rioting for the "right" to go back to normal while their president is basically trying to turn America into Jonestown

Sounds about right for America actually

Sweden havent even locked down at all lol
this whole thing is like a giant experiment for how retarded your country is

4 billion dead by 2023.

>poor eu can't afford dictionary
>doesn't understand what the words per capita mean
>EU is one country for olympics and everything positive but with this they're individuals again
Thinking HARD.

What the fuck is wrong with Swedes?

history repeating itself, look at the spanish flu when people started mass protesting and not be locked up anymore and the 2nd wave killed way more



Attached: sweden.png (455x215, 13.65K)

What are you trying to say schizo?

Yes yes numbers must be racist and schizo I know I know.

>euros deliberately don't lock down
>get assraped by disease
>"haha americans are so stupid"

No schizo your thoughts really don't make any sense on paper the way they do in your head

As someone who has already had the 'Rona and recovered fine you idiots and all blowing it out of proportion. It's literally the flue (unless you're old and decrepit)
t.Corona Surviver

>brownie can't english
No surprise there.

That's why you should get it now so you can Survive the 2nd wave dummy

Not him but he's saying the EU as a whole is still worse off than the US, but they're going by individual countries total numbers instead of as a qhole/per capita to make themselves look better/America look worse

>USA - 700 000
>Europe - 4 vassal states out of 27 - 700 000

Lmao is that the famous euroshitcuck Free(tm) 65% tax healthcare?

Attached: 1587151649194.jpg (1242x1236, 169.74K)

>>poor eu can't afford dictionary
>>doesn't understand what the words per capita mean
>>EU is one country for olympics and everything positive but with this they're individuals again
What does the definition of per capita have to do with the second portion of your greentext schizo?

Sweeeeede here, oh you bet lockdown is happening, but it wasn't really invoked by the government, people saw what the rest of the world was doing, shrugged it off, started worrying about why all their parents/grandparents were dying and started social distancing by themselves. The government is still useless.
Another amusing aspect were all the people a month ago saying "well, if i die i die , it was meant to be, the weak shall be culled, etc". Now that people are actually dying everyone is masking up and doing what everyone else is, but that viral spread, too late for some. Embrace the madness.

1. Prove it faggot
2. Have fun with your permanently scarred lungs and heart
3. Have fun getting it again when

What's the name of the folder on your desktop you saved this under? Asking for a friend

>noooo you can't just talk bad about EU
crying wotjeck you get the idea.

>implying my lungs weren't already fucked from years of chain smoking
Have fun spending your life in fear

Bro I'm starting to think you're the brownie rn

>I'm a chain smoker but I survived coronavirus, even though I'm the exact type of person it kills
>prove it? Nah, just trust me bro

>life in fear
I've been comfy at home for 6 weeks

I saved it under 'Bootlicking Non-entities'.

Give another 30 years and let me know how it's going

french one cracks me up, the adults are holding up medical diagrams while the child versions are literally just naked

USA her 2500 cases per 1 mil pop but most other European nations have less than that lol
>thinking hard

The free healthcare ensures they'll get free treatment instead of having to pay like $15k if they get corona.

So why do you want your countrymen to die so much?

Why are you people so easily fooled by the fear mongering of the MSM, only 0,02% of the population has it, the mortality rate is 0,1% and 70% of all deaths is above 80 years old. It's slightly stronger than the flu and you weak soibois are pretending it's the end of the world.