Cuts off a guest whos about to launch into an interesting story in your path

>cuts off a guest whos about to launch into an interesting story in your path
every fucking time

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I fucking hate this guy so god damn much fuck

Go back to slurping Bloomberg's old cock Bernie.

Why does he make Yas Forums seethe so much?

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I'm listening to this one, it's quintessential Joe podcast

Because he keeps getting his worthless dumbfuck comedy friends on the show to promote them instead of giving us interesting random people and average Joes with interesting stories and backgrounds from general society.

this, hes had a terrible streak of stand up comedians on. like after the first three it would be time to mix it up with something that is actually interesting outside of the us too.

>is funded by the CIA in your path

His best interview was the Tyson Fury one. Talked about wanting to kill himself and how he came back

Somebody said that the LA comedy scene is just the first 5 guys Joe Rogan met when he got off the bus in Hollywood. Bunch of coat tail riding faggots.

>has an interesting guest from a STEM field and spend 40 minutes talking about MMA

jesus christ joe

good point. i mean we don't need to have bryan callen and joey diaz on the show every fucking month.

He's built for big black cock.

what happened to ari? one little misstep and joe got scared and sent ari back east?

No. His best ones were with Alex Jones.

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Yeah, me

So? its his podcast.

Yea true but user still has a very valid complaint. He makes alot of money and fame off that podcast so maybe listen to the fans and stop having your hack comic buddies that nobody enjoys on constantly.
There are 400 million people in America he can choose from and we really need 30 Joey Diaz episodes?

So it's a lower quality podcast because of it and people downvote it to hell when he does it. That a problem for your hurtie feelies user?

>dude so like they found this lake with bacteria bacteria that replaces the phosphate atoms from the DNA with arsenic atoms
>wow dude that's so cool... I had arsenic poisoning after eating sardines

his old podcasts are golden, I'm so glad I didn't knew them, now I have a treasure to listen to

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he's popular. also, political cultists dont anyone unless they agree with them on 100% of things

But, Joey Diaz needs to lie in front of a huge audience or he will die in his sleep.

>, could sardines swim in arsenic?
>woul-, would that like, ward off their predators?


>has a guy on who was abducted and held captive by Somali pirates for 3 years
>ends the interview after 80 minutes because he ran out of things to ask

>random "comedian" with nothing interesting or insightful to tell
>3 hour podcast

>hey this guy prefers in person interviews but Covid killed flights to him

>it's a Joe thinks a conversation means "rertorting with a 3 second story about him or his "friend" doing what the guest did podcast series


Joey Diaz is the grown up version of that kid who told everyone obvious lies about his parents being super rich and how he had expensive cars and his parents gave him a mansion and all kinds of other insane lies but everyone just nods and agrees but we realize he's semi-retarded and even though he's a liar he's well meaning.
And then later you find out his older brother was touching him "down there" and the lies were a weird coping mechanism

the general standard of the whole show has really plummeted over the last few years, even interesting guest episodes are crap now because Joe just keeps trying to talk about himself all the time, also Brendan Schaub is such a waste of space, how can someone who's doing as well in life as he is still have 0 personality

nah he's a good guy

like all good things, it's soul has been sucked a long time ago and whatever fun people had when making this in the begining it's gone

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