I liked him more when he was more racist

I liked him more when he was more racist

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how are ugly people allowed to be racist?

He stopped being racist?

No, just less racist

Skinny fat

His middle name is Aryan, his parents made him a Nazi.

of course not, he just doesn't talk about it anymore


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Probably not, he hasn't spoken about it since which implies he hasn't changed.

I'm glad he recovered from the people who tried to cancel him and that he's doing really well now.

Being cancelled only made him thinner.

According to women, no

I miss old Game Grumps bros...

I liked him more when he was openly objectively right about mass immigration.

How exactly does "cancelling" even work? I remember seeing #pewdiepieiscancelled tags on twitter and literally nothing happened to him, he gained like 40 million subs since

>set changes every fucking year
You'd think if he was this picky, he'd have made an actual movie by now.

Being against mass immigration into your country is not racist nor is it right wing.

It is in our current world.

007 GoldenEye Game Grumps with Jon, literally peak comfy

>doing really well now
sure he is lol

"Cancelling" is mostly wishful thinking from twitter users and ot this day I dont understand why people take it seriously

It only really works if you give in to it. Jon kinda did - he disappeared for an entire year but then went back to making goofy youtube videos and never mentioned the controversy ever again.

For me it's the Mario Party episodes

>what are Aryans
user, is this your first day on the 'net ?

Have you seen his most recent videos? He's fattened up again

He isn't?

>he literally said "I don't think unlimited immigration from random third world countries is in our best interests"
>people tried to ruin his life over this

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That's not fat. That's him powering up.

>It only really works if you give in to it

The thing cost him his contract with Disney though.

it's way fucking worse when you work for a big company and people start complaining about it on twitter
pewdiepie actually lost his disney or whatever sponsor and got his youtube series cancelled

This, the worst thing you can do is to add fuel to the fire, you just continue on as usual and the drama clout chasers quickly find another target to focus on

It only works when you work for a company and said company panders to twitterniggers, if you're independent like Jontron it doesn't mean anything besides maybe burning a few bridges.

>user discovers that "aryan" is a broad term that includes persians and several peoples from northern india

He's been packing on the pounds lately

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Led Zeppelin is such fucking trash. Come on you seething Zeppelin fan faggot, say, "NUH UH," every fucking time. You fucking insects can't resist the bait, but it's true bait. Zeppelin is fucking trash, in every fucking aspect, aside from "ability to attract and impress the lowest depths of human civilization."

He did start pulling out black crime statistics as well

le old racist rabbit is choknkd rrrr rmrmmeme lol.flac

Disney is a sinking ship without cinemas anyway, not worth the hassle

he looks like a thumb

Meanwhile the pedophile James Gunn still works for Disney.

>uhh duh textbook definition of aryan is achulay persans and sevral peoples fom norvern india


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yeah but "it's just a joke bro" at least let pewdiepie keep his channel


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When you start going on about polluting the gene pool you cross into racism

Doesn't this guy have anyone in his life to tell him his facial hair is awful?

they're also aliens if you believe the occult segment of the nazi research.

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I believe is actual argument was that black people were inferior and would pollute the gene pool and that the United States should be a white nation, he also knew absolutely nothing about US history or the amount of racism and prejudice aimed at at Irish, Italian, German, Catholic etc.

He really basically knew nothing.