I love when I commit to not watch a show and fans end up seething.
Lincoln Sullivan
>tv show is kinda good >ends without shitting the bed >user is retarded enough to watch a prequel and a sequel movie why do you torture yourself? the story was told well the first time, move on and find another story instead of hoping to milk this one to the bone
Hudson Butler
So glad I dropped this crapfest.
William Brown
I enjoy but it's taking too long. Like trying to get juice out of a rock
And that shit with Lalo really? Guy is getting cartoonish. Like Maeve in Westworld season 2
Angel Evans
Hector was the good guy all along.
Jordan Kelly
good riddance, reddit
Adam Edwards
>Guy is getting cartoonish. he was cartoonish soon as he was introduced walking meme character
Matthew Mitchell
>Commit to not watch a show So you're exerting effort to not watch? You're sitting there wanting to watch a show BUT NO, you're committed and it's all worth it to fap to posts on Yas Forums?
Hunter Phillips
Meh finale but did its job of setting up what looks to be a great S6
Gabriel Johnson
I watch it for feels >Is Slippin' Jimmy the result of how people treated him? Or did his nature cause their responses to him? >Jimmy is often on the verge of mental break downs, like when he caused a scene at the bingo game. >Jimmy needs a therapist, but refuses to see one >Chuck and Jimmy singing together
Dude. It's sad shit that reminds me of my fucked up brother who ruined his life.
Luis Ortiz
>NOOOOO IF NO ONE DIES IT'S FILLER WHERE ARE MUH EXPLOSIONS AND CHILDREN DYING DEATH DEATH DEATH DEATH sometimes I wish BCS wasn't associated with BB. It attracts the most obnoxious brainlets online
Caleb King
>attracts the most obnoxious brainlets online Yep. Here you are
Nolan Cook
>no u xD epic!
Isaiah Torres
>I hated it >boohoo I have to wait for a while to see how it resolves
>they frame Howard for pedophilia online, kidnap a child, lock it into his cellar and tip some right-wing militia about it >they raid Howard's house but he kills them all using the bowling balls Jimmy threw at his car >Jimmy and Kim hear a knock on the door >they open the door and there's Howard, shirtless and covered in blood >"Alright you son of a gun, you've made you're point. You won't settle for anything less than partner, I understand that. Well guess what Charlie Hustle, you got yourself a deal"
Nicholas Bell
Just end the series before all those old fucks die of coronavirus.
Jackson Myers
stopped watching at the end of season 2, when his brother starts getting really into tinfoil hats
Colton Gutierrez
the episode, and the entire season have been pure kino. kys you shit eating pleb