Is this show fake? She looks 8/10 and he's a circus freak with a shitty character

Is this show fake? She looks 8/10 and he's a circus freak with a shitty character.

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lol looks 5/10


he did wire 40k to his """""gf's sister""""" without asking any questions so I think it's justified.

any white man, deformities or not, can crush yellow pussy. stop being a desperate virgin and go to Chinatown.


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>ugly chink
>Yas Forums weebs think shes a 8/10
lol sounds about right.

>jungle asian

So if I decide to get a mail order bride when I'm like 50, shouldn't I be able to get a hot as fuck 20yo if I actually take care of myself physically and financially?

>shitty character
so? shitty guys get with amazing girls all the time. and it has nothing to do with how good they look as proven here

>she looks 8/10
OP, you loco.

They're both ugly

What's the problem?

I'm in British "medical school" and would do the same in that girls position, money talks and there's nothing more valuable on the planet then American citizenship. She's just secured infinite wealth for herself but more importantly her kids.

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She's an ugly smelly third worlder you stupid cunt

Ask why she's with him op.

stop mass-quoting, dickfuck

disgusting mentality
barely missed trips too

The newest episode where Dave goes into the communist hellhole housing complex is pure keno

>American citizenship has any value

Lmao user it's not EU citizenship

That fucking guy
She’s the kind of bland girl you can find working behind the counter at any truck stop or Subway sandshit shop and she’s poop colored with hairy legs. Even Ed is calling her out for being a pubic mess.



The EU is good but it's not muttville. At least 3x as much pay, about 5x after adjusting for the minimal tax, about 10x when you adjust for cost of living (FFS average houses are 20% cheaper despite being over THREE times as large). So not only do you get to experience this, but your kids do, their kids do etc.

She’s 8/10? Dude what

She has near perfect facial bone structure and her features fit very well together. Those almond eyes are very rare. I wouldn't expect you incels to understand

jungle asians are unironically the superior asian, in terms of looks for girls

Play your cards right and they’ll pay you for the opportunity

I don't even like Asians, how hard is that for you to understand?

ok, queer


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Tip from life experience: If someone starts talking about things like whether or not someone has a shitty character, they themselves are unlikable. I don't like saying when dudes are projecting, but that sort of behavior is 100% projection


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>amerimutts' standards of women

She has a kid and this dude will be expected to help out her family financially for the rest of their lives. Plus she walks like she takes it up the ass every day.

your ideal is probably some russian slut

Imagine being attracted to some irrelevant 5/10 flip chick and then get mad when people call you out for it

5/10 asian girl is better than a 8/10 white girl

> She looks 8/10

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an obvious phillipino ladyboy is a 8/10 in your book? Dude, are you the shrek poster that lives in the basement?

A lot of women want to live in the USA really badly

Just get some dope to marry you, divorce him 4 months later, you get your green card and are good to go

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Jesus dude, for her its a business.
She doesnt give a shit if he lives or dies.

You have internet induced Yellow Fever to the point of dementia. Including East Asians in your Yellow Fever is like including Aborigines in my Jungle Fever. They’re the same color, or in your situation they have the same eyes, but they are far inferior and you have horrible taste if you can’t see the difference.

That's an 8/10 yes

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>they have the same eyes
they literally don't. jungle asians have much larger eyes and softer features.

This guy gives me hope.
Fuck the haters

thats a picture of 2 men

>Is this show fake?
Why is it so hard for you simps to accept that whores will literally walk on burning coal if they can money (or citizenship) to escape from their problems?