Movies with men dealing with sadness or insanity, please.
More drama the better
Movies with men dealing with sadness or insanity, please
The lost weekend
>Parallel tales of two sexually obsessed men, one hurting and annoying women physically and mentally, one wandering around the city talking to strangers and experiencing dimensions of life.
Is it as kino as it sounds?
mental illness in hollywood:
>rugged troubled badass dealing with badass inner demons by drinking and being a masculine womanizer
>autistic man that also happens to be relentlessly handsome, and insanely intelligent due to his super autism with no downside other than being slightly awkward (which doesn't stop him from having friends and sexual relationships)
Marian Dora's Carcinoma.
sympathy for mr vengeance shits all over manchester by the sea in terms of suffering
he had every right to be sad
>the pursuit of happyness
My life
James White
its the pursuit
The ending to this always gets me in the feels.
After gaining his freedom by pure luck. What did he do afterward for all his slave buddies he met along the way? NOT A GOD DAMN THING. He was worse than a nigger, he was a nigger from the North.
OP said movies about Men suffering not animals
but property doesn't feel
He lectured for abolishment before the civil war you little bitch
Maybe this more to your tastes
One of the best portrayals of schizophrenia in cinema in general
>Industry 100 percent by Jews degrades white people
Wow what a shocker. Thanks for proving us right.
>I was rich then Homeless for years
>Afterwards I gave lectures to end homelessness!
So, nothing. I asked WHAT DID HE DO FOR THE SLAVES HE MET?!?