Who was in the wrong here?


Who was in the wrong here?

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One less porn star in the world would have been nice

her for marrying a psycho
him for marrying a whore

>get the whore beat out of you
>don't message me for sex
>yr later
>hey guys doing strip clubs! come watch me shakemy ass!
she's going bog city tho so no one cares

Has there ever been a more high profile case where someone took the call by having it beat into their face?

It's a bit like the Chris Brown/Rihanna situation. I have no doubt she was probably an antagonising shrew, but come on, you can't go and beat the living shit out her for it, even if you are a borderline mental retard and especially not if you're a trained fighter.

If he wanted to be a proper tough guy he should have took the bitches ain't shit route and dumped her shabby ass.

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based war machine BTFOing whores

women would rather be locked in a cage with a deadly wild animal with a huge dick than comfortable with a small dicked puppy dog.

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Didn't it say whatever the dudes name was came home and found her in bed with a nigger? The only probably was he beat her ass too with tons of convictions.

This channel is so fucking good. I just wish there were more subtitles because a lot of them are mumbly fucks. Also after watching his videos I'm never talking to cops, I'd admit to everything and I never did anything.

There's 2 aspects to being a man

1) being a good man (virtue)
2) being good at being a man (physicality)

People that are only number 1 are total pussies. People that are only number 2 are total niggers.

He was a total nigger.

>2) being good at being a man (physicality)
what are you fucking 12

She was already a stripper when she was doing porn

>On July 20, 2018, it was revealed that War Machine had been engaged to Ashley Farrington; they first became acquainted with each other when she started writing to him in prison as his pen pal.[56]

wtf this guy has got a chick even now

what point are you even trying to make?
>be carpenter
>beat the woodworking bitch out of me
>later keep being a carpenter because its the main skill i have

I will keep reporting the unlicensed music in this until it gets taken down :)

The dude he found her in bed with was whiter than he was, and it was 3 months after she had dumped him.

physicality matters.

He did nothing wrong

Now that we got that out of the way, War Machine is very clearly a perfect example of toxic masculinity. He’s an emotionally stunted retard who just so happens to be a really strong pro fighter, so this shit was bound to happen and people like Joe Rogan and the entire ufc fan base are at fault for encouraging this sort of shit. The guy goes into spastic fits of rage over a slurpe, he’s literally a dumb animal who can’t function in society.

Chrissy Mack is also a stupid bitch for not recognizing this from him, they he an emotionally unstable maniac would abuse her. She’s a gross slut, so she should have the street smarts enough to recognize this in a man and stay away from him. If someone jumps into a lions cage and starts fucking with it, you always blame them for not being smart enough to realize how stupid that is. You don’t really blame the lion bc it’s just an animal. Same thing here with a violent retard who actually changed his legal name to war machine.

One of those stories where there is no good guy and everyone sucks

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thanks mr skeleton

you're the worst kind of faggot

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She had already dumped him. He came there to kill her

>that leg bruise
What the fuck did he work her leg before going for the take down?

fucking BITCH wouldn't give me a fucking slurpee
I'm gonna SMASH that fucking bitch

she had dumped him like 3 months before. war machine just showed up out of the blue for no reason and got mad when he saw her with another guy. the guy wasn't a nigger btw, war machine was darker and honestly seems like a manbaby gorilla with deep insecurities.

based, keep up the good work

This dude clearly had mental health issues. Probably bipolar disorder which was exacerbated by the steroid abuse and cocaine.

Wtf happened to her face?

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