is Lone Star beer the patricians choice?
Is Lone Star beer the patricians choice?
yes, Texas is the most based state
im guessing its a cheap and generic pleb beer
The number one choice for bags of scented meat.
he specifically asks for one of 2 shitty, cheap beer brands
Literally me
Not fancy enough to get you shamed for being a beer snob and not shitty enough to get you shamed for drinking awful beer.
imagine being a Texoid baka
No, Steel Reserve is.
$2.99/case in NW DC
t. X'er
drinking it right now, have long hair and same mustache, but with a shitty chin beard.
haven't seen this show but yeah, i'm thinking this guy is based.
drinking it right now, have long hair and same mustache, but with a shitty chin beard.
haven't seen this show but yeah, i'm thinking this guy is based
double posted so you won't miss it assholes
We dont have that here. Natty Bo is our regional cheap beer.
well it ain't nothin' snooty
No. Texans just really need you to know they are from Texas because they have no other personality.
based and vomiting after you finish 4 tall boys pilled
Lone Star plus some cheap whiskey is all you need
Nah, Lone Star beer is the cheap shit
I never understood beerfags anyways, just shoot some tequila or whiskey, gets you drunk faster
this beer tastes like fucking shit
there is a whole complicated calculus to being an alcoholic, you cant just pound whiskey whenever
Why is beer 15$ for a six pack in Ontario?
Hey bros. What beer you guys recommend?
I usually drink Heineken but I want to try something different and I don't know much about other brands.
If you're a mutt some of the Mexican beers are surprisingly decent
For me it's Alamo.
Shiner Bock is the far superior Texas beer
True Detective Season 1 is the best show HBO ever put out.
Season 2 is underrated but only half as good.
Season 3 stars a black so I never watched it.
Watch Season 1 for sure. Each season is a self-contained story with different casts so you aren't missing anything by stopping after Season 1.
>beer alcoholic
>skinny as a rail
How? Does this nigga never eat or what? Every beer alcoholic I've seen is morbidly obese
>God Tier
>Based Tier
>Lone Star
>Rolling Rock
> Narragansett
>Natty Boh
>Pabst Blue Ribbon
>Shit tier
>Milwaukee’s Best
>Busch Light
>Poorfag God
>Poorfag God Tier
>Beer Beer Strong
Drinking Rolling Rock as I type. Lone Star is decent. Only had it once, so many years ago, in the Dallas airport. Just a light beer you can drink all day.
Narragansett is terrible man
I live in Milwaukee, beer capital of America and I've never even seen Lone Star.
My beer of choice is either Miller High Life or Rolling Rock
Hamm's, The Beer Refereshing
From the Land of Sky Blue Waters
Enjoy Hamms