Do you stand fucking Roman ?

Do you stand fucking Roman ?

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I sit, shitting Thracen

That's not my name, dumbass.

words fall from your mouth as shit from ass

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Im so glad rome fell
makes romacels all the more pathetic looking

Germ*oid snownigger can't stop being jelly

T. byzaboo
Kys you faggot

Just like Thrace under a stiff breeze

Do you fuck standing Romans?

get yourself another army slaughtered by literal mudhut tribe lmao

And what of good Solonius?

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Spartacus? Oh I remember you. The slave that chimped out and eventually got his ass whooped by the richest man in Rome. Hanged up on the crosses, begging for their lives, I can hear he wails “NOOO, WE’RE SORRY, WE SHOULD HAVE OBEYED” their screams lull me to sleep.

He was joined, presently

>Not posting the real Spartacus.

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And what of dead Batiatus?

>get yourself another army slaughtered by literal mudhut tribe lmao
Now try saying that by only using germ*oid words.

>Hanged up on the crosses,
burger education

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He was joined later, because they didn't know how to keep going without Xena

>want to rewatch
>on no fap

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>burgers say hanged

t. Learns about burgers from the teevee

What of run away Diona ?

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Widows fall from cliffs like shit from ass


blessed thread

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the roman*oid pleb seethe lmaooo

He but awaits on the shores of the afterlife, along with good mercato

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>tfw no gf but you excel at your job

Do I appear a fucking arrow? My nose pointing towards your wife's dripping thighs?

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What of good cosutius?

His perfunctory, clearly fan service-y death was a highlight of that season for me.

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worthless jobber, gannicus would solo

His delivery was so goddamn perfect for, on paper, what appears to be absolute nonsense of speech.

>tfw you left kaer morhen for this

how come this looks gay as shit compared to kirk douglas

>What, the gods haven't pissed on me enough for one day? Legatus fucking Glaber spurns me like a common slave, but no, let's add shit to the piss, let's pour it in his mouth

The way he delivers that line is perfect.