Who will play /ourguy/ in the inevitable.... uhh uhh uh.... uh... biopic?
Who will play /ourguy/ in the inevitable.... uhh uhh uh.... uh... biopic?
Hey jack, how do you open a pdf and you know the thing...
why do you spam that in every thread?
Look, fat
Billy Bob would be kino as Biden, illustrating his fall from VP to dementia ridden
Ed O'Neill
He’s going to be the next president you know, magapedes.
Philip Seymor Hoffman would've murdered it if he was still around. I can hear him right now going "uhh uhh and it was uhh uhh and you know it was i think it was thomas jefferson who said uhh uhh he revolutionized that whole uhhhhh you know you know the thing you know"
Guy Pierce
Speaking, I haven't seen him in anything new recently, wonder what he's been up to
I can't wait for this Alzheimers patient to beat Zion Don
How is he so based
Also what are the chances he'll legalize cunny?
Yeah he just dipped I guess. Wonder if that's some huge role he's preparing to.
cant wait to see feminist endorse this rapist paedo
>Now look, the thing about kinos is that, back then we used to call them picture pops and it was ten. Ten cents on the nickel, did you know that? No I know you did cause your a jumping Jim. And you can say so on your wheat sauce.
>president biden
i want to see what happens
Imagine Biden giving a State of the Union speech
This guy literally has dementia. How is he gonna be the president? He can't give speeches.
My theory is when he wins he will resign after a few months in office and Warren (who I think will be his vp) will become president.
Listen here Jack, let me set you straight. This thing isn't going anywhere. Back in my day we didn't call it covid whatever; we called it the "Shanghai Shivers". I used to know a guy, went by the name Cornflake Jackson. Ol' Cornflake used to play guitar down at the pool hall. Here's the deal, fat: if Cornflake Jackson says the Shanghai Shivers, "Ain't no thang" you can take that to the bank, buckaroo. That's how I know you're full of shit. I'd punch your daughter straight in the mouth.
>President Warren
>or worse the possibility of President Stacy Abrams
When has dementia ever stopped a president? just look at Reagan
Ryan Gosling
Biden-sama will make sniffing lolis legal.
Based Biden, King of the blacks.
Anyone got the Ridin' with Biden pictures?
Biden doesn't need Stacey Abrams because he already has the black vote himself. Most likely it will be Warren or that Michigan governor because he needs to win white women in the suburbs in places like Ohio and Pennsylvania.
Biden being a lifeguard at a pool full of black people is funny to think about
My hairy legs turn blond when in the sun help
How did he get up there?
>a pedoscum
that's a big, big yikes for me my dude
Black women crave the Big Biden Cock.
>I'd punch your daughter straight in the mouth.
Made me chuckle ngl
this one's for the history books
>Yas Forums is an uncle joe board
hola, departmento de basedo?
Imagine him after another 4 years...
Biden-sama will give everyone loli girlfriends!
>mr. president, but nobody here can swim!
uhhh are you not watching the news? lolis are gonna be legal again in a few months
underrated kek