What's the chance Disney starts selling off?

What's the chance Disney starts selling off?

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Sell what? Their park equipment? Who would even buy that?

disney pays you to see their movies, get toys and visit parks when
like oil

disney more like didn't they lol

Can't wait for black Ariel and the high republic!

next to none, they know that they'll recoup costs because once this is over, disney parks will flood and they'll make all their money back instantly.

>Cinemas closed
>Parks closed
>Non-essential stores closed
>Disney+ not available worldwide
>Stock dropped by 30% since the pandemic started
>Cash reserves are most likely also in the shitter, because of the Fox merger and park investments

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You mean people might open a book instead of lobotomizing themselves in a them park? How is this bad?

Buy Disney stocks

Yeah all those unemployment people are gonna throw their money at it

Hopefully George buys back Star Wars

Oh damn people are going to visit twice because they couldn't for a few months? Crazy


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day of the mouse trap best day of my life

That's not how it works at all.

How can you go from making loads of money from a billion different revenue steams and somehow 2 months of having to shut down just obliterates your company.

Capitalism and liberal democracy are fatally flawed. We need to return to a time where we honored tradition and community rather than corporations and consumption.

Because they might be making lots of money, but that also means they're spending lots of money too. Think about salaries etc, no money coming in but millions still going out.

How is the Tim Tracker and Adamthewoo going to survive?

Who are they paying? It makes sense to keep paying people working in animation and stuff because they work from home, but I highly doubt they're paying park workers or anything

>Disney goes bankrupt
>Sells off stuff
>George buys back Star Wars
>burns the sequels and reinstates the Expanded Universe

Greatest Redemption arc ever.


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>a plague kills the rat
That would be funny.

Because they need you to consume their product.
Oil consumption dropped, and now they pay to take it from their storage, as it overflows.

Think of all the people behind the scenes. Producers, executives, dick suckers who do very little but have massive salaries.
Same for toy production, they plan ahead months in advance, to match holidays with sales.

The universe seems to line up to end the wokeness

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I still can't fathom how they've have a trillion different blockbusters and hundreds of thousands visiting their different parks across the world every single day for decades but 60 days of bad sales means they're finished. Like wtf mane

What's that? A writers room?
Do they really have an omlette station in the corner during a meeting?

They won't be 'finished' but it'll hit them hard.

>Own most of Hollywood
>Movie theaters shut down

>Sports leagues shut down

>Run America's largest theme park
>Forced to shut it down

I hope they sell everything

Lots of debt to service and very little liquid capital maybe?

>Taking the time out of your day to wax your mustache/twirl your balding hair.
>Not taking the time to dress better than a flannel and graphic t-shirt.
Straight to the gallows.

4 cruise ships

Apple should buy them. They can fund the parks until things calm down and then spin them off into an independent company that they license the brand and characters to for a set amount of time.

It's important to maximize costs while writing comic books that have a very small profit margin

1) They have debts racking up due to their rampant expansion
2) They weren't prepared to admit to shareholders that their capeshit golden era was over, so they hadn't made the appropriate downsizing plans even for best case scenarios
3) They have overhead costs that won't go away, such as maintenance, furloughs, staff that can work at home, etc
4) Their net worth is almost all in assets, not liquidity

Iger is that you

you misjudge the power of retards in the american public

>george lucas buys back str wars
Lmao imagine the asshurt

They bought too much avocado toast, should have saved more.

Why does this pic look so degrading?