Movie characters you aspire to be like

Movie characters you aspire to be like

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intelligent, nihilistic, and with a wicked sense of humor.

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I aspire to be just about anyone who has a job because I never worked a minute in my entire life and I am almost 25 years old.

Lt Coffey

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man, michael biehn was such a nice looking lad back in the day, no homo
reminder to not go overboard with alcohol

Gonk droid

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your local grocery store is probably hiring

intelligent, nihilistic, and with a wicked sense of humor.

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Spec ops sounds fun but you'd have to be a regular grunt eating your commanding officer's shit and working out for years before you got to operte for one minute.

Based and Boogpilled

This but unironically

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he's still good looking

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t. so.yboy

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Without the wealthy parents and the nepotism of course

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>doesn't take any nonsense
>cares for his men
>excellent taste in sidearms
>knows that scientists are full of bs
>wants to kill the enemy, not train them
>defiant until the end 'choke on 'em!'

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why is he so cute???

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With my autism, and age I might as well try to be like old Ash.

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Im trying to go from a Max to a Vincent.

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just clint eastwood in general

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