I miss this nigga like you wouldn't believe

I miss this nigga like you wouldn't believe.

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>Stewart does a monologue about how Republican Boomers (who suck Israeli dick harder than anyone) don't have a monopoly on patriotism
>Yas Forums decides this is somehow about white people not owning anything

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Jonathan Leibowitz: Republicans are stupid.
(Audience claps and roars with laughter)
Jonathan Leibowitz: Evil white men. (Makes funny face) Am I right?
(Audience gives standing ovation.)

Yas Forums likes playing the victim.

because pol was desperate for a something, anything that could be considered meme material to make fun of him, but for the longest time they had nothing
bottom line is he's a funny and smart guy, and he left at the right time, unlike Colbert

It's just weird, you think they would fixate on the time he got mad about Trump eating pizza incorrectly

His replacement is dog shit.

Attached: trevornoah.jpg (718x475, 35.47K)

Hey, goy, you don't own shit.


That was the problem, all the good correspondents over the years left to have their own careers (Carrell, Colbert, Oliver, etc.), so when Stewart finally retired their only options were
>Hassan Minaj
>Larry Wilmore
>Samantha Bee
>Jessica Williams
>The white dude whose name I don't even remember (Jordan something)
>Trevor Noah
And none of those people are funny. I think Wilmore even got his own show that got cancelled after like a month.

Jews basically never do anything like neonazi stereotypes which is why they have yo scrounge around twitter, make fake twitter accounts, and do shit like this where they flat out lie about what someone says.

Yas Forums incels are always running out of material so they have to make more of it. Truth is a complete non-factor on places like Yas Forums where even just the average poster deserves to burn in hell.

I'm shocked this guy hasn't been cancelled. Who the fuck even watches tv anymore? Certainly not zoomers, and millennals are aging out of the 18-34.

Fake, just like your vagina. Now dilate



Wilmores show the Nightly Show, was absolute dogshit. It focused WAY too much on racial politics on every story and was overall pretty condescending to people who weren't black. Low ratings got it canceled


how much of Yas Forums propaganda is unabashedly 100% fake like this? these people deserve to be strung up and ruthlessly beaten.


Yeah I watched a couple episodes, it was bad. The pandering was weak af, my dad is black and even he couldn't stand it

Yeah the panel section especially sucked on Larry's show. Bill Maher already does that, but instead of actual debate like on Maher, Larry's was just 3 to 5 guys sitting there agreeing with each other on everything.

>Alright y'all it's time for the keeping it a hundred segment
>For our white viewers at home, this is slang for being honest
>Does America have a problem with racism?
>Guests: Yes
>*wild applause*
>That's our show, we'll see you tomorrow night

Pretty much 90% of it. Half of their "proof" is schizo charts with jewish stars or memes.


You a poorfag who blames everything on "the system" and kikes. Keep up the self pity goyim, they have you right where they want you wagie.

Come to think of it, Stewart represents whatever is left of leftist patriotism in the US. He has spent the last 3 years of his life battling (right-wing) politicians who wouldn't budge on giving reparations to 9/11 first responders.
Dude made a career out of exposing the hypocrisy of corrupt media companies who base their business on fear-mongering and the absurdity of the concept of a news channel that's on 24/7. I'm not American and even I can recognize this guy loves his country. Old Yas Forums used to like him, but now he's nothing more than "that lefist jew", when retards like Shapiro get a pass somehow

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yep, he pretty much knew that the media is a fucking joke. 24/7 is made for oj's murder, 9/11, and coronachan. Anything else is sensationalism.
Then sadly his proteges all went on to create shows with sensationalism that focused on how orange man is the worst even down to his tiny hands.

my thing


John ((((LIEBOWITZ))))

why do Jews do this

because their names are ugly.

No one likes Ben "Ethnostate for me not for thee" Shapiro retard. They're all country wrecking jews with allegience to Israel

>turns thread about funny show we all grew up on into autistic, antisemitic spam
no one likes you

>Yas Forums hates Stewart now
Extremely cringe, remember that he was calling out JJ while you were all still sucking his dick

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Why do you miss a liberal-capitalist retard?

>tfw this is probably the same attitude Abrams brought to Star Wars
Would explain a lot