And then, my son...
a few days after
his wife died...
you steal his car...
and kill his fuckin' dog.
And then, my son...
a few days after
his wife died...
you steal his car...
and kill his fuckin' dog.
his heckin pupperino
his borkin mlem fluffer...
>literally everyone in the criminal world knows who John Wick is
>except for the son of this mob boss, he just sorta forgot to tell him
He told his son who john wick was, he didn't tell him what he looks like. Why would he?
he was off getting tortured for a few years and was a prisoner before that give him a break
>every signle criminal knows who John Wick is on site
>except for Theon, Theon's friends and the men he hired to rob John's house and kill his dog
What do you expect from a revenge flick for children? Plot holes, bad action sequences and meme actors, not to mention the awful dialogue.
Every single criminal has worked with or met john wick personally. Theon never met or worked with john wick. Why would he know what he looks like?
>john wick is the most effectively brutal killer ever. He could drown you with a pizza, kill a gorilla or a cobra, anything. He’s the scariest guy ever. The last thing you’d want is to have John wick gunning for you.
>that’s why he shoots the guy who tortures small animals in the head one time to instantly kill him with no lead up whatsoever
Fuck these movies and the pontificating pussies who love them.
I bet you hate Commando too you cocksucker.
>literally not a single one of the men who worked for his father who he brought with him to kill John Wick's dog told him what a bad idea that was
There is a key difference. Commando is deliberately cheesy and is an 80s film.
John Wick is neither.
>bad action sequences
imagine being so contrarian you cant even be bothered to watch the film before critiquing it
Commandos great. John Wick is onions action for reddit
>pontificating pussies
You get hung up on every little detail instead of just enjoying the movie, and you call others pussies
>who worked with his father
They were young guys with no experience. Why would they have worked with his father?
>cgi muzzle flashes le no cut tacticool scene
no thanks, if this is realism and "well made" action, I'd rather watch something else
1 was a solid movie
2 was meh at best
3 had 2 good moments, knife fight and how guns REALLY work underwater
I want 4 to be good, but I know it wont.
>John Wick isn't deliberately cheesy
They didn't do a good job with that then.
I get everyone turning on the films; they're not perfect and suffer from a few tonal inconsistencies, on top of being pure action films, an already divisive genre
But I don't accept this entire website turning on Keanu Reeves. This board in particular shilled for the guy for a decade +, then as soon as others began to follow that example he was dropped immediately on the accusation of "being too Reddit". That's just contrarianism for contrarianisms sake
3 had flaws but also had
>great library fight
>great bike hase
>great horse action
It was still a decent movie overall imo
Well said. Zoomers are fickle
>every little detail
It’s the basic premise of the movie you retarded pussy
Keanu is ok. I just deeply dislike his recent films (from like, 2008 onwards).
Did you think it was trying to be realistic?
You're practically saying the director and screenwriter failed with this movie.
According to you. Did you direct the movie?
>say one thing
>you practically said completely other thing
You should be a journalist or a movie reviewer.
>john leaves the crime world behind years before the main story, probably even before theon was fully brought into the life of crime
Sure john is a legend, but why would an arrogant kid give a crap about some retired dude, let alone know what he looks like
Same goes for his 2 buttbuddies
In John Wick 3, he spares the two Indonesian guys, just knocks them out, because they were polite and respectful? He killed plenty of other polite professional guys without mercy. How come they got a pass?
>forgetting the absolute kino fight against the bulletproof squad