Which anime live adaptation would you like to see?
Anime - Live Adaptation
Stardust Crusaders
last one I saw was the soulless Jin Roh live adaptation and it was shit (to no surprise)
why anyone would desecrate the original's name with such a soulless live adaptation is beyond me
The anime is just a sequel to a live action film in the first place though.
kids on the slope
I know, but this one got a live adaptation and it fucked with the tone and general aesthetic. I don't remember too much from the live adaptation but they changed a ton of the plot points from Jin Roh and had a completely different ending too.
Live adaptations of animated movies just never work.
I would've been fine if it was another Kerberos movie, but Ilang: The Wolf Brigade was a lazy re-imagining that didn't live up to the original.
post darkwaifu's dick pls
in all of my 178 saved images of her(him) i only have one that shows peepee and it's barely visible
i can't squint any harder
Gundam. They can make a movie original universe
you could make a lot of movies out of crying freeman
There's already one
any of asano inios or Jiro Matsumoto's work
I had a couple of manga books of this when I was a teenager.
My gf at the time (who was more into manga/anime than me) made fun of me for liking what she called a 'manga for girls' and wanted me to read guy's manga instead.
But I kept reading Aria and so she broke up with me. Fucking women.
I've not seen the anime though, so can't comment.
>no goth gf
Why even live? Also, the answer is Saki, of course.
Daily reminder that cartoons are for children
The original exists, why do you want to see an inferior version? Do you not have enough to complain about, so you're looking for more things to be outraged about?
Anything by Urasawa or Asano. Tkmiz if they did it right.
>But I kept reading Aria and so she broke up with me
wait how the fuck does that happen
I think the fact that most of the characters are Germanic would make for a good western adaptation
What's complicated about it? She told me to read 'proper manga'. I told her lolno and kept reading Aria because I was enjoying the comfy setting and soft drama and she started throwing tantrems and it escalated.
Women are just crazy sometimes user.
Damn. I wouldn't know, I never had a gf.
op's pic has a penis
i've seen't it myself
prove it also pls name
>op's pic has a penis
that just make it better
>op's pic has a penis
Goddamn faggots.
>Darkwaifutrap and Destiny-san never show dick
Biggest cockteases of all time.
it's darkwaifu
a google search immediately gives you a pic of the base of her(his) cock
i don't want to get banned
>Darkwaifutrap never show dick
Now someone kidnap them which should be easy enough they don't have laws in Argentina and force them to cosplay/crossplay.
Saint Seya
this is the pic i was talking about before it's not a good enough pic since it's basically a silhouette of a cock. WE NEED MORE DETAIL.
janny pls don't see this
Megalo Box is one I feel could actually work well with a Western production.
Also, I bet that's a dude.
Is it gay to jerk off to this?
Gundam could unironically be done right if done from Char's perspective. I guess an adaptation of The Origin maybe?
Megalo Box is getting a 2nd season.
it's more straight than jerking off to tomboys