What the fuck did I just watch?!?!

What the fuck did I just watch?!?!

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A murderer's struggle with his manifestation of guilt.

as i wasn't with you i wouldn't know so you describe it to me and maybe we can figure it out

Who did he murder?

Is it better than this? youtube.com/watch?v=x2sd8UMUaIk&feature=share

Two alcoholic coomers being in quarantine for far too long.

Huh? That was the centerpoint of the plot - his coworker at the mill. Did you somehow miss that?

That blonde wood guy he worked with, a seagull and Dafoe

something that happens when people have too much money and nothing to say

mermaid pussy

the budget was merely 4 million you plot point mental midget

>4 milion is not alot of money
and im the retard

>inb4 your the moron becuase you made a typo

yes you're absolutely a retard if you think a 4 million dollar budget is a lot of money for a feature lenght 35mm black and white film that stars Willem Dafoe and Robert Pattinson which had an entire 70 foot tall working lighthouse built just for the film

a garbage B Netflix drama has atleast twice the budget of that


For a movie, no its not.

why do you even browse this board
you are a fucking moron

>they could build an actuall light house and pay for costumes and a set and for the actors to star in it
i still fail to see how im the retard for thinking its not alot of money

The biggest meme movie of last year.
That alone is worth something.

>not alot of money
so you agree with everyone that replied to you great

Who was in the wrong here

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never kill a bird
bad omens

i ment to say that it is
and no im not agreeing with anyone
the same as you

rip birb


Do you think films are made by just the actors and that's it?

the fookin gull

The pidgeon, shouldn't have been shitting everywhere

you must be correct
becuase i couldnt be a smart as people who post memes they found on reddit to get other just as smart people to agree with them instead of having thier own thoughts

im just going to go before i embarrass myself any further by trying to fit in with the rest of you normies
ill just go back to having no contact with other people socially
how i shall miss this place when im gone
i dont know how i will cope with having no social outlet
if only i had years of practice
oh well
goodbye geniuses

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>The pidgeon
man city slickers truly are retarded

>The biggest meme movie of last year

Attached: Cuck_Poster_600x600.jpg (600x600, 128.47K)

actual autism

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The parrot


i didnt like how the hole movie was done in black and white. I can't see shit my nigga

Get a better TV

I get why the hollywood money grabbing machine is making only big actor head composites for their films, but why would this do it too? Who the fuck knows about any of these D grade literal whos to warrant such a poster?

and why they talk so goofy, niggas high or sumtin

t. poorfaggot watching yify encodes on his smudgy 2008 13 inch Toshiba laptop