
X23 spin-off fucking when?

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i dont know if i need to see a show about a bunch of mexican orphans living in canada, but i liked the movie Logan

This movie had such a terrible plot, the wolverine was unironically better

how did we go from ab absolute little sweetie pie to la creatura el diablo la maldita la monstrosa abomination?

dios mio!

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What exactly is the problem?

Dios mio! la monstrosa! sweetness gone my mane

1you're a pedo
2your dick blinded you to how ugly she always was
3you only see the truth now its fire has abated

You're a pedophile

Are you afraid pedo? You will soon meet your master.

You're a pedophile and you're attracted to childish features.

Because you want to fuck little children.

Seriously, what does this shit mean?

Just a ordinary satanic ritual

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I understand, but what are the objectives of this practice?

>I understand
You're clearly don't.

I love how boomer schizos have managed to bring the satanic panic back from the dead, really funny

Hello scholmo.

Lay off the fentanyl

itt. Fat boomers cannot comprehend art

Well only degeneret pedoes like you consider this shit as art.

La mutt chicana vaca gorda la maldita

imagine the sound and the bubble if she has to fart in there


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She'd fill out the spandex

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She's not amazingly pretty, but with a bit of makeup she cleans up nicely.

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hell of a body so far though

Why do you want sequel to this trash user, are a you a faggot.

A unique face is so much better than being "pretty"

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It was a poor attempted to make an xmen version of Watchmen.

How is it trying to be Watchmen?

By attempting to be a gritty capeshit movie.