Do zoomers actually go out of their way to watch all the classic/great movies made before their time...

Do zoomers actually go out of their way to watch all the classic/great movies made before their time, like we millennial chads did?

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no, they arent on netflix

>millennial chads

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>like we millennial chads did?
What alternate timeline did you come from, you Dark Knight, Shawshank Redemption-praising bitch?

Yea, just recently marathoned the return of the king
Any more classic recommendations that were made before my time?

Doggo a cute. A CUTE.

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Kek. In my experience, its the complete opposite: my zoomer coworkers actively go out of their way to avoid watching films produced before the year 2007.

>zoomer coworkers
theyre old enough to work?

Fuck yes. Just saw the classic animated lion king. Came out way before I was born but I didn't even give a shit breh.

>zoomer co workers

That's not something to brag about burger flipper

i do
>millennial chads
oh no no no no no no

Yes, I'm 29 myself, and I work on a shift of about 15 people, 75% of whomst are between the ages of 17-21. The general, implicit consensus i've noted amongst them seems to be that all media created prior to the early 2000s should be ignored and/or destroyed. Perhaps its a psychological byproduct of being raised by the internet and social media, where everything is archived or deleted once it ceases to be relevant?

I try to
But everyone is so wrapped up in praising these films from decades ago that it feels like you're not meant to give any genuine critique

Well at least you found a way to feel superior as you become an old fuck.

>found a way to feel superior
That comes later actually, when i fuck all of their girlfriends behind their backs.

>15 people
this nigga is nearly 30 and works at a fucking fast food joint

I mean I'm an 18 yo zoomer and I do but I was also homeschooled, have severe OCD and am extremely mentally ill so I'm not a typical zoom zoom

>have severe OCD and am extremely mentally ill so I'm not a typical zoom zoom

Oh lol you fuck are user, your generation is fucked

i'm 18 and started with the 90's then decided that wasn't as old and so forth and now am at a point point when I'll watch a movie filmed in the 40/50 and consider it recent enough. Funnily enough those b/w films knew how to light their films using chiaroscuro making them look recent compared to 90/00's films which look fucking trash.

no I mean like I have medical diagnosed severe ocd that has ruined my life a thousand times over

Some dumbass I talked to during my travel says that he hates stuff like finding Nemo or saving private Ryan because he can't feel connected to them
It's one of those skip year zoomers too

>cant feel connected to nemo
like what because he isn't a fucking fish?

>liking finding nemo

Jesus christ you fucking zoomers and your obsession with kids movies.

It's about a dad crossing the ocean to save his kids niggers

>Some dumbass I talked to during my travel says that he hates stuff like finding Nemo or saving private Ryan because he can't feel connected to them
>It's one of those skip year zoomers too

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>It's about a dad crossing the ocean to save his kids niggers

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No because Zoomers don't know how to torrent.

luckily i have a comfy underground theatre that plays kinos all the time, hopefully coronachan doesn't take them out. Its the only place that I actually enjoy going out to.

there's literally no reason to since all the best movies came out this decade you senile boomer

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nice bait

I think it's just sarcasm user

you can never fucking tell in this place

I don't know any millennials who would watch a film made before the 70s. It's just to old to relate to. This isn't unique to Zoomers. You're just getting old OP

Most zoomers don't even know that Willy Wonka was a remake

spotted the mcdonalds manager

I'm a zoomer and i watch classic films. I just finished Rashomon the other day