You're saying it wrong Yas Forums. It's Wingardium Levi-OOO-sa, not Levio-SAA

You're saying it wrong Yas Forums. It's Wingardium Levi-OOO-sa, not Levio-SAA

Attached: wingardium_trans_NvBQzQNjv4Bqrlmt3S1yeCPMW5i8oHuD-Zq5759TaOMorXwHUIAY0eg.jpg (480x300, 34.35K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Wingardium levio-car



What are your thoughts on this

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Fuck bros the first and second Harry Potter movies were so comfy. Azkaban was objectively the best made movie, but it also took all of the magic out of the series. And everything that followed Azkaban was way worse and boring. I just want to be a young wizard in Hogwarts during the first and second years there. it's not fucking fair

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stop being a woman

oohhh nonono nonono

But I am a woman.

how would a mute person cast a spell?

bro i've been seeing you around for ages, is this some discord meme or something?

The first two films were fantastical in such a dry sense. They had soul in the set design and the costumes and the greater presence of magic but the emotional moments and characters felt largely manufactured in soulless

Lupin and Harry conversations in Azkaban were the most soulful thing in the entire franchise. Goblet of Fire captured the whimsy and confusing nature of teenage romance and heartbreak and coming of age perfectly.

5 and 7 aren't very good though. 6 is a fun and hilarious movie but very dry.

Columbus circlejerks bow to Cuaron/Newell chads

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*largely manufactured AND soulless

0h ya hermione? cruci0! crucio!

People look at me odd when I say Chamber of Secrets is my favorite, but it is. I had such high hopes for the series with Harry being a badass protagonist but instead he turned into a giant pussy that relied on everybody to do everything for him and never took the Voldemort threat seriously.

My favorite scene:

>The pronunciation of incantations is so important that you can't cast spells without it
>Also you don't need incantations, you can cast spells without them
which is it you fucking hack

Remember that if it were a French movie there would have been nude scenes.

>need incantations to cast spells as a beginner when you're first learning, help you to concentrate and cast the spell effectively
>when you achieve significant mastery over a spell you can cast it without the incantation, hence why they only silently cast spells in the later films

Pretty simple

For me, it's Romilda Vane

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>chamber of secrets
My guy.
Chamber of secrets hands down had the best plot in the entire series.
>a hidden chamber in the castle that nobody knows where it's at has a giant fucking monster that kills all half bloods, and harry is the only possible suspect that can actually open such a chamber because he can talk to snakes, a trait only the heir of slytherin has
It was overall just a brilliant mystery movie too. No stupid time travel BS or anything like that. The plot was very well written. And the series never achieved anything greater after that in terms of creativity

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This was when I knew they were gonna fuck. Every girl that's ever been into me always starts out by busting my balls.

Curling up in a giant library filled with musty, ancient tomes and scrolls has always been a fantasy of mine, almost a fetish.
I'd happily spend the rest of my life learning spells and shit, copying books and scrolls by candlelight till dawn.
My mom would never let me near her Wicca/cult books and shit, and would never teach me anything about it, so Harry Potter and other fantasy books was all I ever had.

>JK made them recast the cutest girl in Hogwarts because she got butthurt her bully insert was hotter than her self-insert
worst downgrade in cinema history

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Studying magic in this universe seemed like one of the most pointless, boring, shittiest thing to fucking do on the entire planet.

They git gud

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Imagine hitting the wall at 16
poor girl

so cute it hurts

Before anyone says anything, it's perfectly normal to have grown adults in UK school classes as long as they buy the uniform.

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What’s the worst class? For me it’s Metamorphosis. It’s never ever used, except for the incredibly rare-but-you-know-4 animagus.

that's why this franchise is so popular with faggy academic types that basically live in school until they're in their early 20s.