Pic very related. Not sure who id hire to direct it or the format though. The kid from stranger things would be hal and Chris Pratt would be don gately
Novels that can be made into a miniseries
DESU I see the Coen brothers as a fit for an adaptation of this
That’s a good choice. I’ve always pictured Wes Anderson
That was my second choice but Wes can't do subtlety and there are some jokes that only land when you think about them
I can’t stand this insufferable writer. Once you realize his stick it’s hard not to see it repeated over and over.
You mean shtick right?
What's his schtick?
I'd really like to see this happen.
Turning books into movies is stupid
And but so you don't know what you are talking about w/r/t DFW.
It's not a fucking comedy, you moronic fucks
A lot of it is pretty funny
i’ve never read anything by this guy. the only people i know who enjoy his work are insufferable, and all the people i know who don’t like his work are good people. this leads me to believe he’s crap
>his schtick
Good Will Hunting, but more gay
This is the only good thing he ever wrote and most of the people who even know who he is have just heard that gay college speech and like the idea of one day reading A Big Book
I read the beginning and cringed pretty hard, specifically the part where the mute guy tries to talk and everyone reacts weird. It really read like high school level "the world is so cold and uncaring" writing
That character is basically autistic
did he quit twitter? his account isn’t active anymore
Humorless midwit detected
>I thought we where here to talk raunchy murals
Come on dude, that was pretty fucking funny
He's not mute, he's high as fuck and having a panic attack
Sorry, but I don't get what you mean.
He writes his characters as if they were gay geniuses?
anyone who dislikes IJ are always low IQ, insecure brainlets that call everything pretentious because they themselves are ironically pretentious
Ironically, Infinite Jest is unironically ironically pretentious
he would make it too quirky, it has those elements but every wes anderson movie feels like it's in his own universe. He should stick to that. Similar to tarentino, he shouldn't adapt anything because everything he makes is in the same style
good choice
I'd say Linklater maybe, safdie
The people you know who “don’t like his stuff” never actually read infinite jest.
But that's why it's great kek
you’re one of those guys who pretends to have read it